Bringing Canned/Boxed Food??

I know bringing "food" into MU is illegal just as it is for example iin UK or USA, through the airport. However, in America and most other countries, canned goods and unopened branded  items ( eg soup mixes, sauces, jams, candies), branded commercial  things  etc are not considered "food" as they are sterile.

I would like to know the position here as we have a lot of excess "food" of this supermarket sealed and canned type ( a lot of it bought in ,Mauritius I took back to Africa and have not used!). After all most Duty Free sell choclates, spices and even branded national sbacks and those neither are considered "food" bi airlines and presumably Customs?

Or else who to ask? Thanks


Hi Peter,

please send me an email so that I could better understand the good you are willing to bring into Mauritius




Moderated by Cheryl 9 months ago
Reason : Contact details
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

Hello Rakhesh POONIT,

Please note that contact details should not be posted on the forum

Any topics can be discussed here, so I guess the OP can share with you the type of food they wish to bring to Mauritius.


Cheryl team

@Rakhesh POONIT  Simply domestic foodstuffs that our children and we consume normally..more or less exactly what one finds at Super U, all canned or sealed in factory packaging.nothing gfresh or directly edible.... for our use in our stay in Mauritius.. am talking a few Kgs worth in our very big Luggage..we are coming on Premium visa.