Resignation procedure - Belgium

Hello Everyone,

I would like to know some information on resignation procedure.

1. Can the official resignation letter be sent via email (sending signed copy of me and requesting a signed copy from the employer) ?

2. Can the resignation letter and letter of intent to resign be in English?

3. Can the resignation letter contains effective start date of notice period (say 2 weeks later the notice starts and ends 3 weeks after the start date)?

Please share your experience.

Kindly advice

Hello Everyone,
I would like to know some information on resignation procedure.

1. Can the official resignation letter be sent via email (sending signed copy of me and requesting a signed copy from the employer) ?

2. Can the resignation letter and letter of intent to resign be in English?

3. Can the resignation letter contains effective start date of notice period (say 2 weeks later the notice starts and ends 3 weeks after the start date)?

Please share your experience.

Kindly advice

  • 1) You can email your resignation, but that is plain rude and should always be with a signed accompanying letter.

  • 2) How does the company operate, was English the main language spoken? Generally, out of politeness, you send it in the local language.

  • 3) If you wish to leave your job, you give notice of what is written in your contract. You don't pick and choose the date unless your employer asks you to stay on, but that is after you have submitted your resignation later in.


Thank you for responding back.

I have added responses and some more follow up questions from your reply.

What contains in the signed accompanying letter? Do you mean Resignation letter with signed copy attached to the resignation email?

My company is small and English is most spoken, but I received the employment contract in French. I hope it is better to send it in French

As per my duration in the company, my notice is 3 weeks. So the 3weeks notice start from following Monday. Am I right?

How can I ensure that my resignation is accepted? Should I receive the counter signed copy of my resignation from the employer?
