Looking for appliance store in Meknes/Fes

Looking for recommendations on a reliable store to purchase large appliances for our flat in Meknes. Delivery is needed as well. It would be great if they have a website. We're currently in the US.

@UmmYasmeen There is a company called IKEA that has branches in Morocco

Looking for recommendations on a reliable store to purchase large appliances for our flat in Meknes. Delivery is needed as well. It would be great if they have a website. We're currently in the US.

There is a company called IKEA that has branches in Morocco

@takihamid49 thank you. We have IKEA here as well. I'm not a fan of the quality locally, but perhaps it is different there. Will check it out inshallah.

Looking for recommendations on a reliable store to purchase large appliances for our flat in Meknes. Delivery is needed as well. It would be great if they have a website. We're currently in the US.

Welcome, we are brothers. I will also check for you about another company and ask them for information: phone number or email.  To communicate with them and I hope you find what you want.

@takihamid49 thank you. We have IKEA here as well. I'm not a fan of the quality locally, but perhaps it is different there. Will check it out inshallah. -@UmmYasmeenThis is information about the company that specializes in furniture in Morocco and also has branches and home delivery service.  Her name is Kitea.  Email: service.client@kitea.ma.  Phone: 0802008002. Website: https://www.kitea.com Good luck to you.

We just bought all our appliances for our new flat in Fes at https://www.electroplanet.ma/

They have multiple branches in Morocco, and they delivered.

We actually went through the branch in El Jadida to arrange the order, as we know someone who works for them in El Jadida. The site is in English or French.

Good Luck.


@jeffrushka The name of the store is Electroplanet. You can Google it. I don't know why the link didn't post.

@jeffrushka thanks, I remember seeing this store when I googled stores a while back. It's nice to hear from people who've had a personal experience with the business though. I'll go back and check out the site again.