American looking to buy Kandisha (2008) on DVD

I'm very interested in watching a film called Kandisha that apparently came out in Morocco in 2008. I can't find any where to purchase it online, and even the seedier methods of finding movies on the internet are coming up dry. If someone can purchase the film for me in Morocco I will reimburse you for the shipping and pay you an additional $20USD on top of what you paid for the DVD. If you can get a copy either PM your email address or reply in the thread and I'll PM you mine.

Hi switters,

welcome to!

You should post this advert in the Morocco classifieds > community.

Thank you.

it's difficult to find this movie i searched about it in the net and i asked my friends who are interested in movies but with no results but i advise you if you are now in casablanca to visit (derb ghalaf) i'm sure will find it there

It hard to find an original copy here xD maybe it will be a pirated version, but i'll try to ask for it !

In derb ralaf in casablanca for sure u can find it :)

If you are still interested in watching this movie, I found it on a new streaming website called They have great Arabic movies and TV series under Jazwood section and you have a 7day free trial.

Hi radiamine,

Please note that this thread is one year old, and that it might not be active anymore.



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