I want to get a custom made Caftan

I love the classic Moroccan caftan, where can i get a caftan custom made for me, in the USA or Morocco, so it will fit me very well, and has the kind of color and fabric i like.

Please please let me know if you have info...thanks, and hope you are all doing well


in Morocco it will depend on the city, but in most big cities you can find "tailors" (women who sew and make caftans) and who have also ready models in various sizes that they can adjust according to your preferences.

Thank you!  I am looking for one in casa, a good one, someone who can make good Kaftan, who can speak English if possible.

You can Check Mautassin Haute Couture, the have a FB page


it depends where you are in casa

there are some really low cost places and those are in the popular neighberhoods and souks

dar bouaza has a small market Kissaria with kaftan kakers

amazing price