Soy milk in Morocco

Hello everybody, I am a venezuelan living in Morocco for a few months in order to learn arabic. In a few days my wife and my little daughters will join me here. I have been in Rabat for a week now and because my younger daughter is allergic to milk I have been looking around for soy powder milk but I have not found any. Does someone know if I can found such a thing here. I appreciate your help.

I asked about soy milk and i heard that you can find it in the supermarkets. You can ask people who work there about it to help you. Ask about "lait de soja" in french or "halib soya" in arabic
Good luck ^-^


you might find it in the store "la vie claire" on avenue Mohamed 6 (in front of Royal Air Maroc)

Thanks Kim and Pinklys. I could not find la Vie Claire on the Mohammed V but find another one in Soussi. They did not have soy milk in powder but we find soy milk  and oak milk in Carrefour and my daughter liked it, specially the oak milk.

I am myself a manufacturer of soy milk.
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