
Marriage Visa Belgium

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Hi, I have a question. I applied marriage visa (visa type c) at belgium embassy in the end of August. After 2 months I checked my visa status on the immigration website and it's still in process. But I can see that immigration has been registered my application since October 28th. And my question is how long it takes to get a decision after the immigration office registered your application? Thank you

See also

Work permit in BelgiumVisas for BelgiumThe Working Holiday Visa for BelgiumChange in place of work - Does my employer need to renew my permitTraveling with a Belgian Orange Card?


Do you already live in Belgium?



in general it's 2 to 3 months.

As the purpose is to live in Belgium after the wedding, it's the long stay department of the immigration that analyze your file, as it's the exact same file that you'll need to give to the commune to start the family reunion.


@rgoossensbxl I live in the Netherlands before but due to few reasons I needed to go back to my own country so I apply the visa from Belgium Embassy in my country


@AlexFromBelgium so in total after I applied on my appointment date it can takes 5 to 6 months? I talked to few girl who applied the same visa and to them it's only takes 2 months until they get the decision

rhea serenado

@Dinzy I applied marriage visa and took 6months


I guess everyone has different case and experience. Some of them takes 2 or 3 months some are longer. When did you apply it if may I know?

rhea serenado

Feb and the result came out on August.


Visumaanvraagnummer:  BEL0052000000000000000000000

ReferenceNummer:  VOWINT2

Diplomatic Post: 

Datum visumaanvraag:  Aug 30 2022

Datum registratie visumaanvraag door Dienst Vreemdelingenzaken:  Oct 28 2022

Beslissing/Status Dossier:  In behandeling

Datum beslissing/Status Dossier: 

extra info1:  Indien een dossier nog in behandeling is of indien het dossier nog niet behandeld is omdat gewacht wordt op de verzending per diplomatieke valies van de documenten die de visumaanvraag ondersteunen, verschijnt als datum, de datum waarop de visumaanvraag geregistreerd werd door de Dienst Vreemdelingenzaken.

extra info2:  In principe wordt de beslissing verzonden op de dag dat ze getroffen wordt. Het kan echter soms enkele dagen duren voordat de diplomatieke of consulaire post de beslissing effectief ontvangt.

Does anyone understand this? And how long it takes probably to the decision? I did the interview about 2 months ago with the embassy. Will my partner get an invitation to do the same interview with police or gemeente maybe for validation?


@Dinzy *partner

rhea serenado

Hi, yeah the police would send an email or probably call your partner for appoinment interview.


@rhea serenado Some people I asked, didn't have that process to their partner

rhea serenado

Maybe  depends to the case.


Probably yeah some people also didn't do the interview with the embassy but I did


@AlexFromBelgium  hi alex ,am married to a belgian,and we are starting our family reunigication visa process and we are  a bit confused about the documents needed and also if we should add a dummy plane ticket please.thank you


@Tachelle McCarthy I guess just give the documents on the lis plane ticket added only they asked


@AlexFromBelgium so in total after I applied on my appointment date it can takes 5 to 6 months? I talked to few girl who applied the same visa and to them it's only takes 2 months until they get the decision

It depends on the nationality of the partner and the workload at the immigration in Belgium.

If he's EU that will be +/- 2-3 months as they have the priority, for the other it can be up to 3 months + more if investigation needed (or they simply didn't had time to check the file in time so they ask for an investigation~)

@AlexFromBelgium hi alex ,am married to a belgian,and we are starting our family reunigication visa process and we are a bit confused about the documents needed and also if we should add a dummy plane ticket please.thank you @Tachelle McCarthy

All documents can be found on the Belgian's embassy website of your home country.

Basically it's quite easy: marriage certificate, accommodation in Belgium, proof of job/money in Belgium from the partner, certificate from mutuality that you'll have an health insurance + your birth certificate. Depending on the country, some more documents can be requested such as criminal record etc...


Hi, I am from Philippines I applied for Visa for Marriage last September 23, 2022

I got an interview from Belgium Embassy in Manila: October 7, 2022

Sent my application to Belgium Home Office: October 10, 2022

I sent them an email about the status of my application: November 24, 2022 and infodesk replied

"We have received the visa application and it is currently being treated. As soon as a decision is taken it will be communicated by the diplomatic post which will invite the visa applicant and give the decision"

My fiance and I have received an email from his municipality last October 5, 2022 that the Immigration Department in Brussels has approved our proposed marriage

Anyone here can help how much longer should I wait for the visa?


@MidnightRogue I have been waiting for more than 3 months since my a


@Dinzy I am indeed worried as the documents submitted are only valid for 6 months 😞


Mine is invalid anymore so I think we need to make a new one and give it to the municipality when we are arrive


@Dinzy my baby’s application is in same status as yours… after many follow up I got information from the visa team that our file has completed the first examination and the second examination is in progress by an attache, did you get such information?


@AlexFromBelgium thank you very much,i appreciate


@AlexFromBelgium thank you very much,i appreciate


@Dinzy thank you dinzy


@shankaran133 Not yet so far

siyam etemadi

I applied on 22 of Sep. They registered my application on 21 of Oct and they asked additional documents on 28 of Oct which after we provided

But, the status hasn't changed yet. I was worried but we received email, that the visa application is in treatment and the status won't change till we take decision.

Thanks to all


@siyam etemadi I assume if the status is in treatment or pending, they would start processing the file but they do have two stage examinations so it takes some time, did they ask you to share the flight ticket?


@Dinzy thanks for the response


Anyone know about different stage of examinations while processing the file


@shankaran133 no I didn't get a clear information about how far is the process

rhea serenado

It's case to case basis, mine was exactly 6months before I recieved the decision, and another weeks to wait for my visa. 


Anyone here get any updates for the application? I got an update and they asked for additional documents but I still need to wait until the embassy inform me


@Dinzy no I didn’t. What document they asking again after your submit the file?


@shankaran133 I don't know yet, I think the embassy will inform me soon

rhea serenado

@Dinzy usually, the vfs would send you an email for additional docs, it takes a few days for them before they will email you.


@AlexFromBelgium Hi Alex, this afternoon my fiance got an email from ibz


Betreft: Visumaanvraag met het oog op huwelijk door Bian, ******, geboren te 20/**/199*

Gevolg gevend aan de aanvraag voor een visum met het oog op huwelijk die door betrokkene(n) werd ingediend en om het onderzoek van het dossier voort te kunnen zetten, vragen wij u om het volgende document op te sturen:

-Volledige kopie van uw huurcontract, voor uw huidige adres, getekend door uw verhuurder

U wordt verzocht dit document in één enkele zending per mail of per fax 02 274 66 48 over te maken ter attentie van dienst Visa gezinshereniging binnen één maand

Do you know what kind of document is that? Because I believe I gave it to them the copy of contract of my fiance's house this condition he lives with his parents


@shankaran133 full copy of rental contract


@Dinzy will they require to have him his own place? my fiance lives with his parents but his parents own the house they are living at. Hopefully they wont require this


@MidnightRogue I don't know but, I have the same situation like you. And our document has been sent and being treated

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