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Everything you need to know to work in Prague
Found in translation: a Beginner's guide to TEFL ...
Prague has for many years been a Mecca for TEFL training but how is the industry evolving and what insider tips should you be made aware of before committing to a TEFL course?
What's it Like it be an English Teacher in Prague?
"Prague never lets you go... this dear little mother has sharp claws." -Franz Kafka. A friend sent me this quote when I was preparing to move to Prague, and I laughed at her. After all, my plan was to get my TEFL certification through teflworldwideprague.com, maybe teach for a couple of months, and then move on to Spain.  It turns out the joke was actually on me, I have now been in Prague for a year and a half.  I had so much fun in the TEFL class, and fell so in love with the city, that I found myself signing a year-long lease and job contract within one week of the courses end. I loved my new life, and based on my success in the TEFL course, I thought teaching would be easy. I was horribly mistaken.
How to get a TEFL job in Prague
Finding work in Prague is not as easy as it was 10 years ago. The jobs are still out there. These are tips that I personally give my TEFL students during their course in Prague. 
TEFL in Prague - Pros and Cons
Making the decision to teach abroad is an important one. Wherever you end up, there are going to be positives and negatives to look out for. Each country is different, but a lot of the experience of teaching abroad can be applied to different locations. My speciality is obviously TEFL in Prague, Czech Republic, so let's start there. Perhaps later on I can get some graduates that I know to offer their experiences of teaching in Asia or other parts of the world.
Working in Prague
Finding a job in Prague should not be too complicated – then again, there are a few specifics to keep in mind, and it is always best to get acquainted with the city's labour market and economy before deciding on the move. 
The work culture in Prague
As everywhere else, the workplace etiquette differs from company to company. In Prague, there is a wide range of employers, and each of them has different expectations and requirements for employees. Work culture in a start-up company is completely different from that one in a law firm. However, the work culture in the Czech Republic can be considered less formal than in other European countries.
Added on 24/06/2024
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