General information about Doha

Get an overview of in Doha with general information to discover the country

Adjusting to the culture in Doha

Getting used to the local environment in Doha may take some time. When you foresee yourself settling in the Arabian Gulf on your ...

Developing your professional network in Doha

Doha isn't just about fun and places of interest. Discovering new people to learn and grow through professional networking is ...

Developing your social circle in Doha

The expat community in Doha bubbled in the past few years. Diverse individuals have created teeming ways to engage and develop ...

Discovering Doha

Being widely known as an Islam-dominated country, Qatar is also indeed a community of blended cultures and beliefs. There are ...

The networking etiquette in Doha

Observing the proper decorum when it comes to socialising in Doha is strictly implemented among the residents. Behaving properly ...

The work culture in Doha

Qatar might be an Islam dominating country, but surprisingly the work environment is free and versatile for a foreign ...

Doha after Dubai

Someone mailed me recently from Dubai, asking what differences he'd notice if he took up a job offer in Qatar. What follows ...