Healthcare in Germany

Public and private health system and health insurance in Germany. Find information about the healthcare in Germany.

The German healthcare system

The German healthcare system is neither homogenous nor static. On the contrary, it has various actors (i.e., medical and ...

Elderly care in Germany

Germany may not have the sunshine and beaches of the Mediterranean or Southeast Asia, but it is among Europe's most popular ...

Emergency in Germany

One of the biggest worries expats have to deal with when arriving in a new country is what to do in case of an emergency ...

Citizens Relief Act

There's been a lovely new German word since January 2010: das Bürgerentlastungsgesetz! I´ve translated it as the ...

Health insurance update

Since my last blog, the noose has tightened even further as far as freelance/self-employed expats in Germany goes.The health ...

legality of your health insurance?

Hi everyone!I´ve just discovered this site but am not 100% PC-literate (know the word "blog" but am still trying to suss it ...