Verbally Abusive, Rude, and Offensive Doctor Refuses Treatment

Hi there, my name is Emre and I am a British citizen currently visiting Morocco. My fiance is a Moroccan citizen and we have gathered all of the paperwork to get married. Today my fiance was subjugated to verbal and emotional abuse from a Doctor, ***, and as a result suffered from shock and distress.

My wife to be just returned from taking her younger 14 year old sister to the doctor for treatment. This was their second visit there; the Doctor originally told them to come back once he had the treatment ready. When they arrived, the Doctor they visited was demanding for money even though the treatment was not complete yet. He was yelling at the top of his lungs, and insulting my fiance, demanding for money and refusing to treat her younger sister (which goes against his legal obligation as a Doctor) until he was paid. He actually told her to get out and leave his office as apparently "he was not being honored".

My fiance insisted he treat her sister as she was in a lot of pain. She eventually paid him, and only then did he treat her sister. He was refusing to even look at her otherwise, and threatened to kick her out multiple times. She even recorded a small portion of the exchange on her phone. Even after paying him he still continued his angry rant.

We want to pursue legal action. This man cannot get away with this. What can be done in this situation? What is the procedure for medical malpractice in Morocco? We would greatly appreciate any advice.

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Welcome to Morocco 😂
Don't bother with legal action, won't get you anywhere.
You pay first, then they treat you .. if you're lucky

Well, is he a state doctor or a private doctor?

Please save your money and time. Try to get out of there as soon as possible like some of us did. You will regret it if try to pursue the so called the legal channels in morocco which would take years to resolve, costing you a lots of money that's changed by solicitors ( crooks) who will promise you everything and get nothing. Save yourself and fiancé and get out while you can

Nothing will work

Brother, sorry to say but this is not the western world or Europe. Just find you another doctor and call it a day. Follow the advises that you have gotten to leave it alone.

It is obviously Morocco and you will get no where legally. We are dealing with this kind of pathetic behaviors.good luck and save your time and headache

EMCK wrote:

Hi there, my name is Emre and I am a British citizen currently visiting Morocco. My fiance is a Moroccan citizen and we have gathered all of the paperwork to get married. Today my fiance was subjugated to verbal and emotional abuse from a Doctor, ***, and as a result suffered from shock and distress.

My wife to be just returned from taking her younger 14 year old sister to the doctor for treatment. This was their second visit there; the Doctor originally told them to come back once he had the treatment ready. When they arrived, the Doctor they visited was demanding for money even though the treatment was not complete yet. He was yelling at the top of his lungs, and insulting my fiance, demanding for money and refusing to treat her younger sister (which goes against his legal obligation as a Doctor) until he was paid. He actually told her to get out and leave his office as apparently "he was not being honored".

My fiance insisted he treat her sister as she was in a lot of pain. She eventually paid him, and only then did he treat her sister. He was refusing to even look at her otherwise, and threatened to kick her out multiple times. She even recorded a small portion of the exchange on her phone. Even after paying him he still continued his angry rant.

We want to pursue legal action. This man cannot get away with this. What can be done in this situation? What is the procedure for medical malpractice in Morocco? We would greatly appreciate any advice.

get used to rudeness in morocco. north africans are generally hot-headed as well as all the things u described in ur title. dont be surprised to find out ur fiance/wife has a very short-fuse like this doctor, this time it will be u at the receiving end of the inevitable temper tantrums when she doesn't get her way. since u are asking for advice, my advice is invest in some ear plugs from now

You can put complaint choose option propely but as per my experience use less in Morocco,  there are complaint box but empty. Any how register complaint. I wish you will get answer. This country full of corruption from bottom to upper i mean Morocco embassies as well.

- try to find the doctor on linked in or facebook (they often 'pride' themselves with a presence there) and write a rude comment.
- choose a different doctor
- don't waste your time with official  complaint, no one cares, all corrupt
I had a similar experience where the doctor let me wait 1.5 hours (he was at lunch) and when I complaint he told me he would not cut his lunch short because of my appointment ...I took my x-rays , did NOT pay him and walked out.. told him in very clear words what I thought of him...
you get used to it :-(
that why EU is so reluctant to do proper business wiht Morocco, the incorrectness, lack of legal standards, corruption the end they are cutting into their own flesh...but not smart enough to get it

Don't bother with legal action - you will only lose your money and time.

my advise is to ask friends for a good doctor - and stick with him/her.

Sorry you had this bad experience within Morocco, Which city did this occur in? As much as their are some great clinic's and Dr's within Morocco unfortunately there has been may bad experience by some unprofessional people.

I have also had many bad experience within the Hospitals. What I have learnt over the years it to stick with good international hospitals, however the normal rules are that you leave an advance amount on account with the hospital, (after negotiating a final price) after the treatment the balance if any should be paid or if less than the advance a refund of the amount agreed will be given.

usually Dr take payment in advance regardless of the situation especially for those that don't have insurance, reason being to many people take the treatment and then can't pay.

Even tho the Dr shouted and caused distressed (and its happen to me) unfortunately you will be wasting your money has the Dr has not technically broken any laws. However if he has done any misconduct or wrong treatment or diagnosis then action can be taken. Beside that unfortunately lawyers will take an advance and the chances are you will loose the case causing more distress to yourself and family.

If you need any advice or guidance please feel free to contact me. Im also a British expat and know exactly how your feeling, iv been living here for almost 7 Years now and experience and learnt a lot to be able to guide and help where possible.

Very bad advise, you discourage people not to put complaint. I previous comment mentioned free complaint on atleast authority must know what is going on. I know Morocco  have compaint empty box and it will not take action at all.

Please don't misunderstand me sorry I should of added that yes a complaint should be reported but what I meant was from a legal point of view I cannot advise on taking out a court case based on the reason mentioned above.

However yes your right the client should report the dr to the appropriate department as the dr should not be treating anyone so rudely in the manner described.

I do not think there is a case to answer as you paid him a fee for a consideration namely medical treatment
His attitude was bad for a man acting as a medical doctor but i have encountered nasty policemen
I think its best you put this down to experience
There must be many nice doctors in Morocco to consult in the future