
Please guide in temporary pr form

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Arif Malek

Please guide.Dear friends, I am interested to settle in Chilie with family. I read the form for temporary residency in which I could not understand one point. Please guide if u can. In column number 1, the word "BOND" is there. So I should write "Yes" or "No".

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The following are the Filling Instructions established by Extranjería, hope it helps:

Fully complete this request application in typing or block letters
If you have Identification Card complete it in the first box.
1. Identification of the Applicant:
− Fill with all your personal data. The last names and names that appear in your passport
− Gender: F: Female
M: Male
Mark the box that belongs
− Date of Birth indicate day, month and year.
− Marital Status: Mark the box that belongs.
− Bond is only considered between parents, children and Spouse. You must mark the boxes that belong
− Complete the manes of your parents, indicating, original and current nationality.
2. Activity and Home Address
− Profession or Occupation: it refers to studies or occupations performed.
− Activity to be performed in Chile: mark the box according to the number of the activity.
− Write your address as clear and complete as possible;
3. For the Dependent: These boxes are only filled for the Dependent foreigners. Must indicate
the Identification Card No. or Passport No., full name and your relationship with the MAIN HOLDER
4. For the Main Holder: Will be considered as dependents: Spouse, children and parents of the main holder that live at his expense
5. Type of Visa or Current Residence: If you are requesting Visa for the first time, must indicate the date in
Which you entered the country (tourism); if it’s a Visa extension o, New Visa or change of Visa must indicate your current Visa,
The authority that granted it and starting and ending date (as stamped in your passport).
6. Name, bond or Institution and/or company where performs activities: Name, RUT and Telephone of the bond with Chilean or foreigner,
congregation, company or institution, depending the support of your visa
7. Sanctions: Mark the corresponding box. The sanction for illegal Residence and/or Working without
Authorization and/or Not Register and Obtain Identification Card. Fill the Authority where you were sanctioned.
8. DO NOT FORGET TO SIGN THE APPLICATION. If it’s a minor it is not necessary to sign.
9. Requested Benefit: Must mark only one of the alternatives
− Residence Visa for the first time. Only Tourist.
− Change of Visa (Condition and/or quality): Owner of a Residence visa Subject to Contract or Student visa and requests to change to
Temporary visa, also requests to change your temporary visa from main holder to dependent or vice versa.
− Extension of a Visa: Owner of a TEMPORARY.
− New Visa: Owners of a Temporary Visa expired (Out of term).
Must indicate if you are Main Holder or Dependent and the term (maximum 1 years).
10. Request of a Working permit with on process Visa (Only for main holders): If you whish to obtain this
permit you must mark the box YES and sign.
When requesting this permit, it will be sent to you address along, with a copy of Request in Process, and a
Money Order for the right to be paid (50% of the value of the visa according to your nationality). The rights are paid
In any Commercial bank. With the Money Order paid you must concur to the offices of the Alien Status Service
Of the Metropolitan Region Intendancy, Agustinas N° 1235, 2° Piso, from 8:30 to 14:00 hours, to receive
11. This box will be filled by the immigration authority.

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