
Exit re entry visa


Hi guys
I hope someone can help me and give an advice

I’m going to travel this coming dec 29, 2017, to my home country(philippines) but my passport will expired on january 23, 2018, however i still manage for booking a flight ticket(roundtrip), and planning to renew my passport during my vacation,

My question is, do i still have a change to get exit re entry if my passport will be expired on january 2018,

Is the immigration here in saudi arabia will stop me to go back home for vacation?

Looking forward for your help

Thank you so much in advance

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Full Monty

*This may not be up to date*

I seem to remember that you will be okay, as the visa is linked to your Iqama, but you should keep your old passport with you when you return in case it's needed. Also keep the print out of the stamped visa form, I had trouble returning this summer as it had been lost in my travels. The airline printed a new one out but it took quite a while, fortunately I was early for my flight.


You mean even though my passport will expired on january 23, 2018? they can still issue of exit re entry visa for me?