
Existing visa ban

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Respected all,

I am an Ayurvedic doctor. I left Oman on 3/11/2015 due to some reasons. Can I apply for any job there now. Is the status of ban is still unchanged.  Did i want to wait till 2017 november?. A
nd is n.o.c necessary to enter again during 2017 november.Please give your valuable reply.

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Hi dineshrk,

Unfortunately for expatriate employees, the NOC rule still holds good.  There has been no let up on that issue as yet. The issue remains status quo.

If you do not have an NOC and if you wish to come back to the Sultanate, you would have to wait for a minimum period of 2 years from the date of your last departure.


Thank you sumithran sir for your reply. So the ban is valid till Nov 2017 in my case right. At the time of departure I didn't got exit in the passport. Is there any problem in that...??

Asgar Salim

Me also left in August 2014.Iam looking for a new visa.So is there any source for checking my ban completion status through online?


Hi Asgar Salim,

There is no online status check facility regarding the 2-year waiting period between jobs, in the absence of the last employer's NOC.

The rule is pretty simple and straightforward. The countdown would start from the date of exit and until the completion of 2-years from the date of departure.


Hello sir ...i came back to india 2 August 2016 on leave. But my visa was expired on march 2017  i mean i came back india 6 months earilar from the completion of my contract..know july is running i eligible to to come back in Oman without NOC paper? 3 months ago my visa is automatically or systmaticly expired without it right  if i say without the cancellation i came back to india and i stayed in india for 6 months  my contract is complete...bcz know they  update the new rule


Hi Gs862630,

If you had an employment visa stamped in your passport, then without an NOC, you cannot go back to Oman for a period of 2-years - from the date of your visa cancellation.


Okn thanx .u may plz check thenews

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