
Your best business development ideas in Oman

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Hi everyone,

As a foreign entrepreneur, launching a business in Oman is a fantastic project and an exciting challenge. Some ideas are likely to succeed. Some others are promising but may not work as well as intended.

In your opinion, what kind of business or industry is likely to succeed in Oman? What kind of industry or service currently unavailable or underdeveloped in the country would meet local needs?

On the other hand, what are the most common business types foreign entrepreneurs would be eager to launch in the country but with very little chance of success?

Thank you for your insights.

See also

Job offers in OmanSetting up a business in OmanFinding a job in OmanWork conditions in OmanOMSB exam for GP


I am not having much experiences in Oman, but due to my job profile I get a chance to be interact with different industry, people & thought to respond it back with my limited exposure..!! 

First get your basics in place..! Nobody is allowed to invest in Oman directly, as long as you are not having the right sponsorship/partnership to get collaborated with. In a simple way, you should tie up with one local partner/company here for doing the business.

Secondly hiring people from local market is really impossible as of now, due to the NOC issues.( there is  a strong speculations that OMAN is going to withdraw the NOC rules to attract investors where the expats may allow to work after compilation of  their ongoing contract). But still its not implemented or regulated.

Now coming to the actual topic: The business opportunity which not yet explored completely. Except health care, Hospitality, Banking,oil refinery & business directly related to Oil business, almost all the sectors are not grown completely.

Educations, Tourism, Logistic, Travel reservations, Facility management, Catering,Telecommunications, Pharmaceuticals, Food & Beverage, Consumer Goods etc no Major international player are there who is having Lion's share of foot-prints in market. But in the same time you need to understand the market as well, since its getting competitive day by day after the slow down. If you have the right mind set with a competitive price tag & win to get the confidence of any like minded local business partner..then the whole Sultanate is waiting for you.

All the Best..!


Healthcare Business
There are only few healthcare (hospitals, Medical Complex and clinics) in Oman while they are not meeting Health International Accreditation and standards.

IT Business Plan in GCC Countries
develop a comprehensive plan by focusing the GCC countries vision to integrate all the GCC healthcare activities in one place. All the healthcare providers (hospitals, medical complex, dispensaries, pharmacies, optical shops etc), Govt and Corporate companies, Individual insurance card holders  and insurance companies would utilize online “” web based and server based portal, completely paperless online transactions to garner single click information in one place. Some key features of this MEGA PICTURES are:
·         The access will be given to all healthcare providers, insurance companies, and TPAs in the country.  Commencing from Oman Market.
·         There would be one patient file number like Bank IBAN and the patient can visit any hospitals / Medical complex to get treatment under the unique file number across the country as well as the country who would utilize our web portal in the future.
·         My health Apps will provide the facility to the patients that he can view his medical reports, back history in his mobile, on the other hand, EMR is always with the patient.
A healthcare social website (such as facebook and twitter) would be the channel of discussion between the doctors and the patients.
·         The role of the healthcare providers, insurance companies, and TPAs would be differentiated as per their protocols/accreditations. Active and inactive control are allowed to the parent companies.
·         Govt has the admin access to streamlines services pricelist as per accreditations, drugs controls licenses, budgeting, ensuring implementation of health policies, patient safety, and several reporting’s to take immediate actions as required. Single click to garner all health mandatory reports for the specific period, specific area, department etc.   
·         The new creative business will be in the top leading position after launching the product in the healthcare market and it makes significant changes in the country towards achieving the vision.
There are so many benefits of the emerging system which provide them all the health issues on single click regardless he belongs to the govt, private sectors, individual as per authorization is given to them.

This is the core introduction of the healthcare project which can further be discussed  if required.

Cement Factory
There is no cement Factory across the oman while you can find the basic materials, raw materials in surrounding areas. It needs huge investment but as per my knowledge still no one have started such kind of business. 



Dear Priscella ,

As per Oman government priorities for 2016 - 2020 in descending order:
1 Transformative industries
2 Tourism
3 Transport
4 Logistics services
5 Finance & labor

6 Fishery and later on Metallurgy

Hoping this will help


Hello there !!  I have been living in Oman for over two decades.  From what I know, people here are foodies.  Anything you do by way of clean Restaurants, Coffee shops, it will run well and one could make money.  For instance, a Shawarma shop in Madinat Qaboos is selling over 2000 sandwiches every evening. During week ends he sells 3000 sandwiches.  During day time their business is nothing except breakfast and soft drinks.  The next thing I can think of is some indigenous manufacturing unit for local consumption.  Some mechanisation of agriculture too can be thought of.  Specially the Batna, Sharqiya and Dhofar region. My best wishes. Regards. Bala. **


Nicely and exhaustively elaborated. it will be more helpful if you can name one or more indigenous manufacturing . Well done Bala


  Am s eekking Truck driving job in oman l have valid Qatar driving license

Moderated by kenjee 8 years ago
Reason : Drop job hunt advert and contact infos only in JOBS section

Before posting incorrect information very authoritatively, it would help if some basic fact checking can be done.

To quote an instance, there are 2 fully operational cement factories in Oman. One is 'Oman Cement Company' and the other is 'Raysut Cement Company'.

The former is 33 years old, while the latter is 35 years old, in a country which is itself just 46 years old !

As a mark of respect to your fellow expatriates, please verify your facts before posting.


Thanks kindly detailed me about best businesses over there

mirza baig 11

J_Dey wrote:


I am not having much experiences in Oman, but due to my job profile I get a chance to be interact with different industry, people & thought to respond it back with my limited exposure..!! 

First get your basics in place..! Nobody is allowed to invest in Oman directly, as long as you are not having the right sponsorship/partnership to get collaborated with. In a simple way, you should tie up with one local partner/company here for doing the business.

Secondly hiring people from local market is really impossible as of now, due to the NOC issues.( there is  a strong speculations that OMAN is going to withdraw the NOC rules to attract investors where the expats may allow to work after compilation of  their ongoing contract). But still its not implemented or regulated.

Now coming to the actual topic: The business opportunity which not yet explored completely. Except health care, Hospitality, Banking,oil refinery & business directly related to Oil business, almost all the sectors are not grown completely.

Educations, Tourism, Logistic, Travel reservations, Facility management, Catering,Telecommunications, Pharmaceuticals, Food & Beverage, Consumer Goods etc no Major international player are there who is having Lion's share of foot-prints in market. But in the same time you need to understand the market as well, since its getting competitive day by day after the slow down. If you have the right mind set with a competitive price tag & win to get the confidence of any like minded local business partner..then the whole Sultanate is waiting for you.

All the Best..!

mirza baig 11

which u wrote in oct16 .what is position now. I live in Ireland .I want to do some business in oman. as iam  acupuncturist and do cupping or in arbic called hajamma. but also doing business of restaurant as will .there is change in the law that u do not need to show money now . where to buy restaurant or rent.which city is the best .I have two kids aswell what about good school. what is rent in the area. there are 4 free zone area in oman where the give 100% freedom .I do not know .what is that mean .if I want to open my clinic in Chinese medicine .do I need any Omani citizen as patner or not. I have 1 friend he is in Ireland .what is ur openion.what about retail shop or whole salebusiness  for Asian community,like indian or Pakistani etc.
I wll thank full to u for the answer or any other person can give me the wright advise.

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