Advice on good schools in Brussels WSP/Auderghem

Hello, we are a German/ Belgium family. We live in Germany at the moment and will move to Brussels this summer. I am looking for a good maternelle/ primary school for my daughter (2 1/2 y.) and my son (6y.) They are both German/French speaking.

We will live in Chant d'Oiseau and have got offered a place by École Communale de Stockel (30 minutes by car/ public transport) as well as by Institut-Saint-Julien-Parnasse in Auderghem (10-15 minutes walking distance from home).

I visited both schools and have difficulties to decide which one to take. Stockel seems to offer more extra-school-activities which would be great for my son.

The playground for my daughter is also much nicer than in St. Julien. But the school way is so much longer ...

I don't know about the quality of both schools and I would be happy about any advice.

Neither, keep trying for a place at the nearer schools.

Thank you. Ecole communale de Chant d'oiseau has no free places at the moment. But I will keep on trying.

Hello, My name's Sopheap, Cambodian nationality. I am a scholarship student who is currently studying in Vrije Universiteit Brussels (VUB). At first, I found it hard for me to catch up lessons, but I tried my best to engage myself with whatever materials which are related to my lessons to read and summary. Furthermore, Youtube and Google are the best short cut of information particularly ICT. More importantly, self-regulation is significant to every aspect of learning; therefore, keep yourself with a clear schedule of learning and time to enjoy life separately. Best wishes to all students! If you have any question or need advice about study feel free to contact me through my email: ***

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Please keep looking for the school in nearby as Ecole communale de Chant d'oiseau is very good school and for Maternelle you can look at Athenee Royal at Rue de Bemel its very short distance from your place or try at Athene Royal Auderghem, i would suggest to check the Etterbeek and Auderghem schools and if you are looking for Dutch School but the inscription is only opened in the january few are in suburb (nearer thn Stockel).

For Stockel its sometimes long to move as in these days Woluwelaan is under construction and work will be extended to the Tervurenlaan for connecting the Tram lane and in Busy Day its mess.

Please feel free to contact as we have kids in almost same age so can be good friends :)

Hello there,
I live in Watermael-Boitsfort, the next commune to Auderghem .  My four kids went to the french speaking maternelle "Les Aigrettes" until they were old enough for primary school.  It is a small, safe, welcoming place where my kids were taught with love and care, according to their age of course.
Then they attended primary and secondary school at "St Hubert" in Auderghem. I am very pleased with the level of education both intellectually and socially that they received.  Three of them decided after the first year of secondary to move to the European school, simply because they could!
My second eldest boy decided to stay there and is now in High School in Liège where he studies International Development.  He is in his third year and will do an Erasmus 6-month programme in Spain before graduating next June.

My eldest is a successful project leader at Mastercard Waterloo, my eldest girl finished her degree at Trinity College Dublin and is working there, while my youngest has just been accepted for a place at the College of Art and Design in Brussels. 

Site for Les Aigrettes (& others in the commune): … s/communal

St. Hubert:
