
Post pregnancy massage lady in Riyadh

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Umme salamah

I am looking for a massage lady in Riyadh. If anyone knows about one please let me know. I live in Rawdah, near the Indian Embassy School.   I would need her from mid of october, for two weeks.

See also

The health system in Saudi ArabiaPregnancy in Saudi ArabiaEmergencies in Saudi ArabiaHealth care for Expats in Saudi ArabiaMedical Sectors in KSA
Fidgety Soul

If you have joined fb ladies groups of riyadh , u may find many response their as women keep sharing their contacts  , i may not share group names here


@Fidgety Soul

Can you please share the group links?


Hello HK212,

Welcome to 1f601.svg

The chances of getting a response here are very low as this thread has been inactive since 2015.

I suggest you start a new thread on the Riyadh forum to ask your questions on the topic of your choice.

Members will be more than willing to offer their assistance.


Cheryl team


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