
How are you all? Anyone doing anything for New Year in Milan?

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How are you all? Does anyone meet up in Milan or go travelling?

I have been here sinces September, I teach English but don't speak any italian yet, it's not themost sociable place I have ever been to and I'm missing live music venues and plehty of things to do back in Manchester, or anywhere in the UK actually

I know that there are great places to see in Itally but would like to meet like minded people to do things with

Marian :)

See also

Living in Italy: the expat guideHi there 👋 expats in the Sesto Calende/Arona area ?Parzanica, Sarnico, Iseo, Lago d'IseoUS expats living near Lake Garda?Searching For English-Speaking Italian Renovations Manager

My gf and I we're trying to put something and some ppl together since I do not speak a word of Italian...
We live in Monza. What about you?

She's Italian so she got no problem with the Language but me... geeeez, I'm lost...  :(:sosad:


I know what you mean, I te<ch English but don't speak any Italian!

It can be difficult to arrange private lessons if the potentail student is a complete beginner, it would be great to get something organised, or even go on a few trips to see ther places, I'm away at Christmas but back here on the 27th and not back at work untill the 7th, so it's quite a long break

Let me know if you come up with anything


Marian :)


Will do.
Same for you. Holla at me if you hear anything!




Hi there
Next to Milano solari hotel you will find lots of rest coffee and pubs who's celebrating nye

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