
Any expat in Treviso?

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Anita B.

I will be moving to Treviso in about 2 months, and want to know if there are any expats in the town, who could help with some advice.
Thanks, Anita

See also

Living in Italy: the expat guideParzanica, Sarnico, Iseo, Lago d'IseoUS expats living near Lake Garda?Searching For English-Speaking Italian Renovations ManagerAny expats in or near Ostuni. Puglia. ?

Hi Anita,

I recently moved to Treviso in September last year. What would you like to know?



I am kailash mauritian origin living in northeast of Italy.

Italy has problem of unemployment.

developing some business in Slovakia?

kindly let me know


Anita B.

Hi Michael,

first of all thanks for contacting me. Well, how do you find the life there? What is your opinion on Treviso and people of Treviso? Are there expats there?

Thanks :)


Hi Anita,

Life here is quite good but very different from Australia where I'm from. Many things are not as easy as they are in Australia, for example, here almost all shops close from 12.30 to 3.30 in the afternoon. The town goes to sleep for a few hours. It's very frustrating when you need to buy something urgently. Plus I don't have a car like I had in Australia so I have to use buses to get anywhere whenever I go outside of Treviso.

Treviso itself is a beautiful town (it's called The Little Venice because it has canals running through it a bit like Venice but nowhere near the number of tourists you get in Venice) and it's small enough to walk everywhere inside the old city (centro storico). Lots of people use bicycles to get around. There are regular markets on Saturdays and Tuesdays in town plus others in nearby villages. There are plenty of bars, lots of cafes and restaurants and lots happening around the town.

The people are quite closed and wary of strangers. Most people seem to be more interested in how they look ('la moda' - fashion) and most people dress very well. I have never seen so many fur coats in my whole life. While most Trevisani seem a bit cold and distant, I have had the advantage of having relatives here. My surname comes from one of the oldest and best known families in the region so I have been welcomed with open arms even by total strangers when I tell them my surname. So while I see the 'closedness' and wariness of people, when I tell them my name they instantly become very open and friendly. Coming from Australia is also an advantage because everyone here would rather live in Australia than Italy and wonder why the hell I'm in Italy. So that has been a good icebreaker. Not being related to anyone locally would make it a bit harder to fit in quickly. It might help if you joined a local sports club or had some other interest or hobby through which you could meet people. For example, I joined a rowing club to learn how to row Venetian style (voga alla veneta). I have met lots of people that way, many of whom  want to practice their English. Knowing some Italian also helps.

There are no expat groups here that I know of. I have been here for four months now and I have not met many expats - a young woman from Australia who is here with her Kiwi (New Zealander) husband who plays rugby for Benetton, an old English woman who lives part of the year in Treviso and an old Irish guy who comes here occasionally to do Italian courses. There is a Celtic Pub here that gets a lot of English rugby fans when they come to watch rugby games but other than that I haven't met any other foreigners other than some tourists. Most tourists are German or Italian. Italians come here from other parts of Italy to see Treviso because it's so beautiful - day or night.

adila ben

hi guys, I'll also arrive in Treviso in 2 month to stay there for about 3 month with my boyfriend that is actually from there, let's all meet when anita will arrive to share our tips :) I already been there few times and I really like the city, I'm sure You gonna like :) cheers

Anita B.

That's great :) looking forward to meet you. I will get in touch once in Italy. It should be mid March

adila ben

Finally in Treviso, if you still want to catchup just let me know :)

Anita B.

I'm arriving next Wednesday. Will get in touch 👍😁


Hi Anita are you still in Treviso. I am looking for some expat colleagues here! Magda

Anita B.

Hi Magda.
Yeah still here 😁
Do you wanna meet?


Hi Anita Yes sure lets have coffe together! Are you in Treviso or somewhere around? I'm in the center.


Hi Guys,

I'm bringing back up this thread to share my situation and ask for your advises.
I'm originally from Rome, even though I left Italy many years ago, I've been in London, Mallorca, Prague and recently back in Spain, in the city of Madrid.

When I was living in Mallorca I met my wife (Spanish) and we had a beautiful daughter there, however just few months after her arrive we moved to Prague. This move was definitely not the right one, neither for timing (the baby was too young) nor for the location since, no matter what people says, Czech Republic as all the other Easter Europes Countries, is not Western Europe, the culture is massively different.

Long story short the experience in Prague was nearly horrible for my wife, alone while I was working, and with no possibility to communicate with locals since they don't speak any other language.
After just few months I starter looking elsewhere and we finally landed in Madrid. This city is very messy and chaotic but we still can find more links with locals than what we had in Prague.

All this to say that I now have received an offer which I almost cannot refuse from a company based near Treviso and I'm scared to the idea that we'd find ourselves in a very similar situation to the one we had in Prague.
I've got the advantage of the language and I'm sure that my wife would quickly pick it up as well, however I'm concerned reading about the people in Treviso being quite closed and wary of strangers.

Are there social events (ex. book readings, gym for moms and babies, expats meetings...) that may help our integration?

Are there international schools from kindergarden (nido) age?

Many thanks in advance for all your help and I hope to meet some of you in case we'll finally move there!


Hi fbrunelleschi,

I heard the same things about people in Treviso being closed but I have had a different reception because my surname is typical of the area and I am Australian which is a novelty for people here. My grandparents came from this area and emigrated to Australia in the 1920's.

I have met many lovely people and life in Treviso is great for kids. There is an international school but it's in Olmi which is about 15 kms from Treviso. There are lots of parks around Treviso and events for children all year round.

Your wife could connect you with a great organization for mothers and children - … a_treviso/ plus I know a few Spanish people here too.


Keep in touch



Hi fbrunelleschi,

I heard the same things about people in Treviso being closed but I have had a different reception because my surname is typical of the area and I am Australian which is a novelty for people here. My grandparents came from this area and emigrated to Australia in the 1920's.

I have met many lovely people and life in Treviso is great for kids. There is an international school but it's in Olmi which is about 15 kms from Treviso. There are lots of parks around Treviso and events for children all year round.

Your wife could connect you with a great organization for mothers and children - … a_treviso/ plus I know a few Spanish people here too.

My email is ***

Keep in touch


Anita B.

Hi fbrunelleschi,

I have my daughter going to the International school of Treviso, I can give you info about it if you would like. How old is your daughter?
I have 2 daughters age 1 and 3,5.
Write me in private if you need any info.



Bunch of Americans on a Pirate party ship if you want.


Also revisiting this older topic as I have a job offer near Treviso.

Like you Michael, I'm Australian (but with English heritage originally).  And like you fbrunelleschi, I'm worried about my wife - wanting to make sure she will enjoy the experience.  She is not such a social person, but I do want her to be able to enjoy the experience.  We are possibly hoping to live in a smaller town (we are currently living in a small rural town in Australia) so that the bigger city (and density) isn't such a dramatic change.

If any of you are still in the Treviso area, it would be great to know your thoughts about transitioning from a country like Australia, including you Anita.

Thanks everyone.



Hi Cameron,
Yes I'm still in Treviso. If you have a job offer then you should be able to get a Permesso di Soggiorno (a work permit). Without that or EU citizenship you can't work legally. It can take several weeks to find a decent apartment in Treviso and the whole rental system is very different to Australia. What sort of work will you be doing?


That's great.

It's a teaching position, and I also have British citizenship, so that helps with the work and residency permit.  I might end up coming over first, with my wife to follow.

Trying to understand the Italian tax system is interesting!  And things like driving.  I see that Australia doesn't have a licence exchange system - so I can drive on the international permit for one year but after that will need to sit the Italian written and practical test.

Hope to stay in touch and connect when I arrive.



Hi Cameron,

If you are being paid as an employee of a language school, they will take care of the tax etc. Ideally you should be on a permanent contract but that is quite rare in Italy. One school in Treviso is so desperate to retain staff that they offer new teachers permanent contracts but I'm not sure I would recommend that school. Which school will you be working in?

I also teach English but I freelance. Here it's called libero professionista i.e. self-employed. I have a Partita IVA (essentially an ABN or VAT number). I'm on a simplified scheme where I only pay 5% tax for five years but I still have to make the normal pension contributions and I need to use an accountant to do my tax. They take care of my tax return after I supply all my invoices etc. It's not cheap.

When are you moving here? I have a spare room. My place is like an ESL teachers hostel for new arrivals so you wouldn't be the first!!! I live in the centre of Treviso - dentro mura - inside the walls of the centro storico/ historic centre. My mob. is ***

My email is ***

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Thanks Michael,

I'm sent you a PM. 


Anita B.

I'm still in Treviso, we just started our 3rd year here. Tell you wife to get in touch with me, I can help her to adapt, know about a group of international women which meet once-twice a month, could introduce her to them.
Private message me.
Good luck with the move 👍


Intend to visit Treviso with my wife within the next few weeks. Any advice on B&B's would be appreciated.


I know the guys who own the following BnB's in Treviso;-

Madam Upstairs - with retro-vintage style decor - Via Risorgimento 10. Owner Marco speaks a bit of English +39 335 623 1377

B&B Palazzo Raspanti near Piazza del Grano - Via Stangade 31. Owner is Simone (a guy and a former student of mine learning English). +39 335 524 2840

Both of these are inside the city walls i.e. the historic centre of town. Both are close to supermarkets, bars etc. On Tuesdays and Saturdays there is a local market in Piazza del Grano.


Thank you for your time and effort. Shall contact as soon as we've got firm dates.


Hello Anita,
do you still live in Treviso.
My family will be moving there in about a year and I just saw that year kids go to the international school in Treviso.
Could I ask you some questions regarding the school.
The school seems relatively new. About how many kids are there? Is it basically Italian kids or is their also a bigger group of foreign kids.
My daughter is in 6 grade right now and I was wondering if they already have classes for that age group.
Would be nice to hear from you
Kind regards

Anita B.

yes we are still here. The school got renamed to H-international school as got bought by a bigger group.
You can find all the needful info here:

Yes there are foreign kids too, majority is still Italian, but there are also lots of foreigners :)
If you will have any more question, don't hesitate to write me, you can PM, if you want.




Hi Michael,

I saw your posts here and was wondering if I could ask your advice about the school that you mention? I'm looking at one for work. Could I PM you?


Hello Anita

Are you still in Treviso.   My husband and I will be moving there in March.  We are originally from Uk
Have lived in Singapore for 14years and the last 4 years we’re spent in New Zealand.

I am Looking to meet up for chats and coffees 😊

Any help tips info would be much appreciated

Best regards


Hi, let me know when you are here, i'd like to meet up for a coffee and a chat too


Hey, I’ve just moved to Treviso last month with my Italian partner. I’m a freelancer, and I often travel for work but would really like to meet some foreigners living here. Can you recommend any meet-up groups etc? I really like hiking, so if there are any of you interested in hiking together that would be great too.


I have been reading this thread since we are also considering moving to Treviso. My husband is already working in the area and we are thinking about joining him. My biggest question is about the international school H farm. I would love to get people's perspectives on it as I have 3 children aged 10, 8 and 3. I don't mind so much for the younger ones, but for the oldest I would like to be sure that the educational approach is solid and the results are good. I have read the website but there's not much on there about results or student destinations, or the profiles of the teachers. Thank you!


Hello Anita

Are you still in Treviso ?   Just wondering if there are any English speaking expat groups to meet up with during the day.   Feeling a bit lost , love Treviso but don’t know a soul ! 

If you are no longer here but have any contacts would appreciate it

Also would love info in schools for infants juniors as husbands work colleagues may be joining company and moving too Treviso too

Many thanks
Jill 😊


Hi I’m here this month would you still be keen to catch up for coffee.   

Cheers Jill



Would love to do some hiking .... 
Please let me know if your free to catch up

Jill Robinson
Treviso Centre


Hi Suzy

Would love to meet for a coffee if your still  in Treviso

Cheers Jill


Hi, I have recently arrived in Treviso with my Italian wife and 2 boys, I am English and have just spend the last 4 years in the US. I have looked for some Expat groups and can’t find any, are there any around?


Im Spanish and my husband Italian. We live in London and have 2 toddlers and a teenager, posibilty to move to treviso in few months because of my husbands job.
Went to visit city last weekend and fall in love with it. Very pretty and so so clean and tidy. 

My question is how does it feel living there for a family from abroad?

Thank you


Hi! How I you experience so far? Thanks!

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