Looking for friends and travel partners

I am American/Italian with dual citizenship. I speak english and some italian but need MUCH improvement. I have a house and live in Abruzzo. I am desperately looking for friends and travel partners in Italy and EU. I love art, history, museums, music and wine. I am  open to house sharing/swaping for vacationers and travelers. SERIOUS minded persons only PLEASE.

Hi Christinedelrosso,

Welcome to Expat-blog! :)

Hi Christine, Here is Zeaman dropping you a line.I saw your message and I was very much impressed.Anyway,Iam Ghanaian residing in Italy and Ineed  friends and travelling.Iam humble and very gentle.Hoping to hear from u.Thanks.

My wife and I love Abruzzo and have an apartment in Washington, DC. We are willing to trade. We have no pets and no children.  Where exactly are you?

Pat and John Black

Hi, thanks for the response.

I am in Tocco Da Casauria, Abruzzo which is half way between Pescara and Sulmona between the two national parks. I have no children or pets. I have a two bedroom house in town. Via Ospedale #11. I use one bedroom for a office/creative space. I have a keyboard I like to play, Stero and CD player...no TV and there is wireless. There is some bus services and train near by but I usually get around and travel by car. Snows in the winter, festas in the summer. Town has about 2,500 people with basis shopping, a few bars and couple of restaurants, Bakery, Butcher, Cleaners.

You can look it up on Google Eart. and e have a towwn web site. There is no problem communicating if you do not speak Italian. People are friendly, helpful and there are many Italians who lived in Australia here. Also, if you are interested in just traveling through Italy...I am always  open to house guests...free. No problem

Right now I have a trip planed to Venice for a few days and I am looking for a travel buddy. I am single, it just is not safe or fun for me to travel alone anymore. And it is always nice to make new friends.

I love DC been there many times and my cousin he is a Colonel in the Air Force works. I lived in New York City 5 yrs, Connecticut 8 years, and Austin 5 years. The rest of the time in California...that is home and where my sons and family live.

You can find me on Facebook under my name Christine Del Rosso, email:christinedelrosso@gmail.com and I use skype @ christine.delrosso If you want to chat or any information.
my cell phone is 39-3881682922 and my house 39-085880242
Do not worry about the time difference I am usually available.


Hi Christine,
I saw your post. I admire your intrepid spirit. My father's family is in Abruzzo; L'Aquila (yes very sadly they sustained much damage from the earthquake), Silvi Paese and Pescara. We used to spend summer vacations in Pescara at the beautiful beaches. I have cousins, aunts, uncles, etc., etc. spread out all over Abruzzo and Veneto.
My husband and I are in the process of planning our escape from America to retire in Italia. My husband is studying Italian and I'm getting a TESOL certificate and hope to get dual citizenship. The TESOL I've got covered but could use hints, guidance, anything on the dual citizenship. Would you be interested in discussing?