
[Interviews] Jill in Saltillo


Hello everyone!

This week, we invite you to discover Saltillo with Jill.

Northern Indiana expat, Jill is a busy mom. She moved to Saltillo 6 years ago. Her dream was to be with the love of her life, whom she met during her further studies in Mexico.

You can read her Interview by clicking on the following link: … tillo.html

Feel free to post your comments on her Interview page and to share it with your friends on social networks.

Best regards,
Veedushi  ;) Team

See also

Living in Mexico: the expat guideMexican mail order pharmacy, pharmacy in GuadalajaraPuerto EscondidoNeurologists in Quintana RooTransporting pets to Mexico

Hi Jill,

I have just rejoined this blog after quite a while. My wife and I live in Saltillo and have, off and on, for 12 years. She is Mexican, I am American. We are both teachers. I have taught at TEC campus Saltillo, IMARC, and UANE.She has taught in our community elementary schools and at the local church. It would be nice to talk to an American for a change--for both of us. She is bilingual. I know a little Spanish. If interested in meeting, email me back.

Regards, Chris


Hello  Chris,

The interview has been posted for more than a year now. Perhaps it will be better to post directly under the interview here : … tillo.html so that she may contact you.

Or to create a new thread on the networking in Mexico category of the forum so that you get  better interactions.

All the best,


Hi Chris--

Did I write you back awhile ago?  If I didn´t, my apologies. 

Just wanted to let you know that we´ve got a meetup in the works.  The date isn´t set yet, but I´ll be announcing it on, and there is a group invite board here on, and I´ll announce it there, too. 

It´s likely to be at the end of February at Monster Café, downtown.  I´ll let you know the date and time once I have them locked in. 

And if you´re on facebook, we´ve got a Saltillo Expats facebook group, as well.  (Seperate from the SaltilloExpats facebook page.) 

Looking forward to meeting you sooner than later!
