
Rentals in Oaxaca ---


Hello everyone. This is my first post here. I'm seriously considering coming to Oaxaca in September planning to spend anywhere from six to twelve months. I'll be looking for a simple little studio apartment to rent. Nothing fancy--- I'm a veteran traveler who requires very little. Can anyone tell me if I could possibly find an apartment for US$250 per month or less? Thanks! Dennis~

See also

Real estate listingsAccommodation in MexicoAccommodation in CancunAccommodation in San Miguel de AllendeAccommodation in Mexico City

deebee123 wrote:

Hello everyone. This is my first post here. I'm seriously considering coming to Oaxaca in September planning to spend anywhere from six to twelve months. I'll be looking for a simple little studio apartment to rent. Nothing fancy--- I'm a veteran traveler who requires very little. Can anyone tell me if I could possibly find an apartment for US$250 per month or less? Thanks! Dennis~

Welcome to ex-pat Mexico deebee,

So would that be your total amount ?  Because if it is , It wouldn't get past the Mexican consulate. If I were you I would check there first. Ask them what their minimum requirement is. if
you found a $250 rent then what ? how do you pay for everything else ? I would imagine that's only the amount you can allow for rent, but they will look at total income before deciding if you can live here.

I have a native friend who pays that much a month for  his home and he works to get the money  for food , electricity , cable etc. He works and gets help from his family. He's native and he can do that. Even so I help him pay his phone card when he can't come up with the money.


I think $250 is doable given your simplicity. Oaxaca is my first choice but based on my extensive research, comfortable modern apartments are a rarity, studios and rooms are plentiful and inexpensive. I may decide against Oaxaca since I am extremely concerned about water being trucked in. I prefer to live in modern building with lots of natural lighting vs unlit older buildings.


Encouraging! Thanks... Dennis~


I do have some concerns about water in Mexico.  Please provide and information or guidance on this subject.  I know people buy water jugs there but unsure of source and safety.


I live in Oaxaca in Huatulco Crucecito about 1 mile from lovely Santa Cruz beach. I have a friend who is currently living here on 1069. US dollars a month. I asked him because he is writing an article about how to live cheap in Mexico. He smokes cigerettes which he said cost about 2000 pesos a month. That is about 100 US. He has a large studio apartment he pays 250 US dollars for. Of course he has to leave every 6 months cuz not qualify for residency.  He is what is called a perpetual tourist.


Most people have large 5 gallon water jugs they buy for drinking. It is safe. It is delivered so dont have to lug it yourself, Some apartments like the one i am currently renting has a water filter I assume the owner put in. I dont buy water. I used the tap specifically for drinking water.


TIMSEELEY58 wrote:

looking for house to rent on 1200.00 income a week

Not sure where you want to live. I live in Huatulco in Crucecita about 1 mile from Santa Cruz beach. I have a friend who lives on a hill above Chahue beach and Santa Cruz. There are a number of bays in Huatulco. She has a 3 bedroom furnished townhouse with a shared pool with other 10 or so townhouses. She has a view of Chahue beach. Cost her 20,000 pesos a month so about 1000 US dollars. May be more if want short term rental.


aliceah wrote:
TIMSEELEY58 wrote:

looking for house to rent on 1200.00 income a week

Not sure where you want to live. I live in Huatulco in Crucecita about 1 mile from Santa Cruz beach. I have a friend who lives on a hill above Chahue beach and Santa Cruz. There are a number of bays in Huatulco. She has a 3 bedroom furnished townhouse with a shared pool with other 10 or so townhouses. She has a view of Chahue beach. Cost her 20,000 pesos a month so about 1000 US dollars. May be more if want short term rental.

It appears that Tim may be getting a little bit disoriented.

In the other seven or eight posts where he asked the same basic question (and never responded to replies) he clearly said he was looking for a place on 1200 a month income.


Oh Yeah Big difference between week and month


I like your use of the term "perpetual tourist!" I am proud to be one myself.   D~


Helpful as always Alice.  I am around the same budget perhaps a little less as the US dollar is stronger than Canadian currency.  Question: is the area you are in very humid?  On the topigraphical  maps it looks like it is more jungle/green than the desert of the north.


Appreciated your reply Alice.  I was in MX over 40 years ago on two occasions and got sick.  I am hoping that lots has changed since then.  I am in the water business and so have a filtration system here in Canada.  Do you know what kind of filtration your friend has on the water you drink? Is it reverse osmosis by change? Heather


I assume you are talking in USD???? Always state which currency you are referring to. I have a similar budget perhaps a little less.


heather38 wrote:

I assume you are talking in USD???? Always state which currency you are referring to. I have a similar budget perhaps a little less.

Hi Heather, have you discovered the quote function yet?

It helps everyone tell not only who you're replying to but which message.

The location depends upon the device you are using to access the forum.

On my Android phone, I click the three dots ••• next to word "reply" in the lower right corner of a post

That's also the place where you find the option to report a post.


Thank you so much.  Appreciated the guidance.


heather38 wrote:

Thank you so much.  Appreciated the guidance.

I'm definitely trying not to be a mansplainer...



heather38 wrote:

Appreciated your reply Alice.  I was in MX over 40 years ago on two occasions and got sick.  I am hoping that lots has changed since then.  I am in the water business and so have a filtration system here in Canada.  Do you know what kind of filtration your friend has on the water you drink? Is it reverse osmosis by change? Heather

Hi Heather. I dont know how system for water works. All I see is a large white tank, about the size of a bbq propane tank with no markings on it.


heather38 wrote:

Helpful as always Alice.  I am around the same budget perhaps a little less as the US dollar is stronger than Canadian currency.  Question: is the area you are in very humid?  On the topigraphical  maps it looks like it is more jungle/green than the desert of the north.

The summer time is rainy season here so it is humid now. In the winter the now green hills turn brown. There are cactus here so not jungle. But i did spend a summer in sea of Cortez back in 2013. and it was dry there.


ANy specific people, places, companies I can contact for rentals? My wife, and me, and our dog Bodhi.

Or give my email to any contact people, email me***

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@deebee123 My wife and I are thinking of the same thing. We would need a rental, 1-2 BR and have a dog Bodhi. So if you get any info, let me know, if it does not meet your needs, not wanting to step on your toes in a rental situation. . We will owe you a drink or 4.


Hello eifarness,

Looking for accommodation? 1f914.svg

I invite you to create an advert in the Housing in Mexico section.

You can also check out some offers that are already online.

I hope you will find a place soon, 1f601.svg

Cheryl team


Looking for a long term rental in Lo De Marcos. Something not on the beach. up to 10min from the town is OK. But with AC and reliable Internet. A view and small pool might be nice.

Nothing listed in 'Housing in Mexico'. How likely am I to find such a place early next year?


Hello araklea,

You should follow the advice I gave in post #22. 1f609.svg

I hope you find something soon.

Best of luck,

Cheryl team



Hi, I am retiring in September and want to move to Huatulco, have not been able to find long term rentals on line, any advice will be welcome.

Thank you.


Now that people can travel again places get scooped up fast. And prices are going up also. Have you looked at the facebook pages?  If you put Huatulco in search bar many may show up. There is one called longterm rentals Huatulco. Also sometmes on Huatulco Expats and Bahias Huatulco. Huatulco Gringos etc. But maybe you have looked. Also could contact real estate agents here who also do property management rentals Vistas de Huatulco. Bayside. and others.  you could also try Fred and Cindys youtube … ry=rentals   I just went to their youtuube channel and in search area put in rentals. They seem like really nice folks so could reach out to them. If I hear of anything I will contact you.  You will likey have to rent something short term and after you are here look around, talk to people.

Johnny Earl

You will likey have to rent something short term and after you are here look around, talk to people.

That's how it is done with boots on the ground. And if you speak Spanish or a Mexican friend at your side, so much the better.