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I'd like to work in England, but I found out it is the scams country...
I put my CV on a website and I'm receving only fake emails. This is the website where I put my CV:
I receved messages only from scammers. Here you can find my posts:

Receiving a scam response doesn't make it a scams country.

No, but I didn't receive only 1 scam response. I received many scam responses. So, England is no longer attractive to me...

There's no perfect destination. But I'm not so stupid to go to countries with so many scams.
I wonder why you're posting a clear link to a website full of scams... it's kind of promoting it ?

I don't want to promote anything. I want to inform people.

What has a country got to do with someone receiving a scam response? Same question, if you received a scam offer on this site, does it make the entire site a scam? Or does it mean there are bad individuals, based in any country, using the site....
Generalizing the experience you had on one single website to a whole country isn't a good idea.
I spent a few years in London and it's been a real life-changing experience

Julien, we aren't all as lucky as you. For me, any experience would be bad.
Frankly, it was not a matter of luck. I experienced many issues (such as moving X times in the first 6 months). But I really wanted to succeed, and this is how London works. You want to succeed, you work hard, and many doors are opening themselves. It hasn't been easy (al all) but I learned a lot . Really worth it !

Also in my experience in the Netherlands, negative sides are many more than the positive ones.

How can I work hard, if nobody gives me the chance to work?
It would be way much easier to find a job if you were in England. I guess you can imagine how many people are willing to move to the UK, and how many CVs employers receive everyday ? I guess they prefer discussing with people who are already in the country ? I mean it makes sense to me
by the way, I am not trying to convince you, I am just trying to say that generalizing has never been a good thing

Yes, it makes sense. But if I looked at all the obstacles, I should stop looking for a job, in any country. In fact, so I did. I stopped looking for something I will never have, in any country. By the way, I don't like any place, to be honest.

Yes, you're right. I made a angry post. In this period, I'm thinking only about bad things. I'm sorry.
Tomorrow will be a better day
and don't forget: the best is yet to come !
wow, wow, wow
I agree with you first, and also with Julian and Zayn too.
Firstly there are more scams connected with a country which is highly in demand therefore I would not blame the country.
Secondly, after spending long time in the UK, let me tell you that the people are straight forward (often blunt, but I like it) , they are tolerant and will accept you at your face value.
By sensing the spirit between the lines and remarks of your text, I saw a reflection of my teenage life I spent in Yorkshire. I was trapped in a cycle of 'negativity' and did not know how to come out of it. I messed up quite a few opportunities, failed to appreciate sincerity of some wonderful people around me.
How i came out of it is a long story, but briefly I joined the religious center in Dewsbury, started doing a lot of 'community work', offered my services as a volunteer doing translation work at the Yorkshire Metropolitan Police and Leeds court, taught Urdu language at local college in the evening, learnt Arabic language finished a bachelor's and masters degree and joined the largest computer company in the world IBM.
By telling you this story, my purpose is not to impress you, but to prove to you that you can also do it.
Success or failure is not in a city, it is inside you!

Your post sounded like you were born yesterday, or accessed the internet for the first time in your life. It was ridiculous. Every internet user has received a scam message/email/response. You receive one, get angry, and then make an entire post about it! The day before yesterday I advised someone on this site, that the job offer in England he received isn't genuine, you can view the thread here;
And he accepted the advice and moved on. Didn't say England is a scams country. That's because it was a bad individual that sent him the offer, not an offer from the government i.e nothing to do with the country! And scams are part and parcel of the internet and offline too. Get used to it!

Exactly riazcdki. Scammers know that a job offer in a highly sought country like England will get paid attention! They aren't going to offer you a job in Somalia, as you will ignore it! So it's obvious popular countries will be used in scams! It's common sense. That's why I said you sound like you were born yesterday!

You're right. I'm sorry, but as I already told Julien, in this period I'm not able to think.

Riazcdki, I can't do anything. I'm not so smart. And I'm not so rich to make a volounteering experience...

People IN England have to go to a great deal just to land the job they want, and it's very tough work, with very few who get instantly what they are after. And here you are, sitting at the comfort of your home, abroad, thinking that uploading your C.V on a site, will land you the job you want. You're living in cloud cuckoo land, and that's exactly the type of people scammers target, so it's no surprise you received such offers! I don't know what idea you have about England, or who told you about it, but this is not how things work here. If you don't change your approach, you won't get far.
Northern Star,
I feel that you need help. You sound very depressed and desperate - that is what comes across in your messages.
You seem to lack any self-confidence and I'm not sure that you should be looking to move country at this time in your life. Running just leaves you even more exhausted and fatigued.
I am a sufferer of depression and makes life very difficult sometimes, but there is ALWAYS a rainbow.....eventually.
Chuckle Butty

Zayn, I didn't claim to find a job by putting a CV on a website. I'm stupid but not at that level. All the employers have always an excuse to reject me, so I told "They look for candidates by using their criteria. If I match them, they can find also me. And If they like what they read, they are free to contact me."
But as I can see, I'm not cool eanough to have the right to work. By saying this, I mean that I've a poor experience, no degree, no references, no acquaintances, nothing.
That's all, I close here my discussion. After all, my case is hopeless.
Bye bye!
Use only the official sites.
Best wishes

You do realize there are graduates with no jobs, who have applied to many companies, then end up taking any job, such as in a restaurant, until a better opportunity comes by, which they are working towards? Instead of giving up just because no one has responded with a real job offer. It takes time and effort. And there are cases where a person doesn't have a degree, but working a good job. Make a plan. Take small steps towards it. Everyone has got to start from somewhere. I just feel you're jumping far too ahead, far too early, and inevitably it will only end in disappointment. So if you be realistic, relax, and lower your expectations, make a proper plan, you wouldn't feel like this.

Zayn, I know that there are many people who struggle to get their dreams job and I don't have high expectations, indeed... In fact, my plan was starting with a basic job and climbing the ladder step by step, like everyone does. This was my plan, apart from the country. But it looks like nobody considers this idea, only because it comes from me! I must already have experience for any job.
I've been looking for a job for 5 years. Italy is a crappy country, so my boyfriend had the "bright" idea to move to the Neterlands. I think I came here only to follow him and to get rid of my mother, because, deep in my heart, I already knew that I wouldn't have many chances.
As for my boyfriend, he is one of the useful, beloved people who have a background in the IT business. In fact, he found a job after 2 months of stay.
As for me, I'm unhappy, I don't like the place where I live now, I don't like its people, I feel useless, I often quarrel with my boyfriend about the job matter etc... That's why I sometimes write bullshits!
Hello friends,
We are discussing 'details' and not the under lying 'principles'. We are so close a pillar that we are failing to realize that it is actually the leg of an elephant which we could only see if we moved back.
You may be laughing at this but 'positive thoughts' turn into 'goods words' which make 'good habits' that turns into a 'gentle character' which changes the life.
I would not want to psycho analyse you nor show sympathy for you, i will only suggest to stay positive, give up anger, I can bet no body will even consider offering you employment if you present your self in front of him in this state of mind. Please wake up! You still have your whole life in front of you.

I agree with Riazcdki.
NorthernStar, I do understand. But we all go through this struggle. It's always difficult in the start for everyone. Very difficult for the average person (without connections/contacts and other advantages). But with hard work, patience & the right attitude, it can be done, and will be worth it in the long-run.
At least you have the opportunity to move and give it a try in your chosen country. You're free to work in England and other countries without restrictions. The same can't be said for millions of others who dream of the opportunity for a work visa. You will find plenty of threads on this site and other sites, asking about how to gain entry into an EU country to work. That isn't an issue for you, so you should be positive and optimistic that you can find something, and when you do, you don't need a visa! As Julien said, it would be easier to find a job, if you were IN England, since they consider applications from those within the country, before they look abroad. It's not easy, but easier. And trust me, years ago, I handed in hundreds of copies of my C.V, in person, asking to speak to the manager, and many others did the same, and heard nothing, but never lost hope!
I send out more than 300 to 400 CV's when I am looking for work. I get scam emails, around 10 a month asking for my bank details so someone can deposit millions of dollars into it and I will get a fee. I get scam agents asking for a fee to promote me to companies, scams offering to get visas and work permits for a fee.
The thing is to rise above all that, stay positive, set goals and look to the future.
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