Good site to find a job in England ? and other cities than London ?

My boyfriend and I would like to live in England, but not London center. Do you know another city ?? (we would love to be nearby the sea (but not an obligation), and we must have an airport to go to france sometimes, and something quite alive, where you have things to do and can meet people)

He is a cook who doesn't speak good english, do you have a good website to find him a job ? How much can he ask per week ?

Thanks a lot for your help

Have you ever heard about Brighton? Not that far from Gatwick

About employment websites, you should have a look to that topic: find a job in England I am sure you'll be able to find out how much you can expect on these websites ;)

Yes I saw the city of Brighton on internet, looks good but I didn't find an airport, is it ? How do you go to Brighton ?
Otherwise, I saw these cities : Southampton, Bornemouth, someone knows or can tell me more ?

Thank you for the sites, we'll check it out.

Hi you can find some jobs at or at
You can search for a job in all UK.
Ok good luck

melissa wrote:

My boyfriend and I would like to live in England, but not London center. Do you know another city ?? (we would love to be nearby the sea (but not an obligation), and we must have an airport to go to france sometimes, and something quite alive, where you have things to do and can meet people)

He is a cook who doesn't speak good english, do you have a good website to find him a job ? How much can he ask per week ?

Thanks a lot for your help

I'm french and i'm going to London in January 2007. I want to find an appartment in colocation whith a girl.She'll go to London in January too. We'll work in London so we don't care about the place to live.
But near metro or bus will be better. Thanks

I am Spanish. My girlfriend also want to live in England. She also is cook and she want to live a new experince. We asked in a Spanish company for to know a job in England. I know that this company give one bed and a job on 6 months.
If you need to konw this company, I can to give your telefone number.

Hi there, and are both very good sites as most of the agencies post on them. I used them all the time when I was in the UK.

Hope this helps?

Try the local 'job centre' there's one in almost every town, they let you use the phone too!

Monster ( works quite well; it helped me find a job in the UK from Florida in just a few days. 

(Note that UK firms will be far more likely to consider you if you've arranged your own Tier-1 work permit ( in advance!