MUTAWA in a compound you know???
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As per suggestion....I'm reposting this...
Ive heard that Mutawas are allowed to make rounds in some of the compounds or perhaps some compounds are just more strict. This is quite horrifying news for me. I'm asking this because we are still looking for accommodation and want a compound that is Mutawa /Abaya /Segregation free...nor very conservative...
The bigger Compounds are fully booked so we are looking at the smaller ones too...
Please if you know of any compounds that have Mutawas or Mutawas visit there, or where abayas are a must, are segregated etc please post here....
Mutawas are not police, they have no powers of arrest and cannot force their way onto a compound. That being said if the police get reported to about something dodgy on a compound they will come in, but its rare.
I know of a case (and not an isolated one, I might add) where the police caught wind of a large party in a western compound and waited out in front. They arrested some people who'd been drinking once they were outside.
This is the only option when mutawas get solid info or complain otherwise they do not dare to indulge.Its not that they are unaware,they do know about the practice of restricted activities in Compounds but they avoid to be there without any solid evidence.So chill SF15
They're not allowed to waltz right into the compound unless called upon. And they are not allowed to enter your private home. Now since most of our homes are rented, it's up to the landlord to make that decision.
I've never heard of them walking in a compound and policing people to cover up and do whatever. I mean, that's the whole point of living in a complex.
They will wait outside and catch people who've been drinking when parties get really large and out of control. So it's best to stay on the safe side when going out on Christmas or whatever, and stick to smaller gatherings.
I have to agree with Omar. The idea of forced religion and forced religious statutes is extremely unpalatable.
Well, first of all, The Mutawa or Hayah doesn't have the authority to go inside the compounds, but as my friend Nelson17 said, they'd come if something unethical was reported.
And by the way Omar, those strange nice people didn't insult us by saying such things about Mutawa or Haya, so, as a Muslim, I think you should've not said what you said. It's part of your religion to tell people to do the right, and also tell them to not do wrong, remember?! DO NOT INSULT US, your religion, and yourself.
I think that if someone is forced to do something that they don't want, then that's wrong. Religion or not.
You can't meet up with the opposite sex? OK, alone, that might be understandable. But to invite a girl to the mall so you can hang out together in front of hundreds of people? How is that wrong? And if you choose not to cover your hair, but are forced to cover your hair. Would you still not be sinning, because deep down you choose not to cover it? Some things just don't add up. I accept all religions, but I can't imagine extremism is the right way to go about things.
@ Ramon 1990
Islam is a way of Life, a way to behave within boundaries of personal and social ethics. Its brings a message of peace.. Islam give EVERYBODY the right to chose THEIR RELIGION. If a religion does that...i CANNOT imagine it enforcing rules itself through a religious police. Islam takes you in its fold if you are will...not by force. We can read and understand the Quran ourselves...we don't need anybody to tell us what to do and WHATEVER we do...we are answerable to ALLAH...nobody else! The Quran is very clear on that!
And if you please there were no mutawas during the Prophet Mohammads life or that of His Caliphs.
NO OTHER MUSLIM nation has Mutawas to control its society....we are responsible for ourselves. It is more of a saudi cultural thing....a tilt for religious political influence.
I dont know why Omar called them a shame but its crazy to think that men are women anywhere would be so out of control that the need a CONSTANT third party to control them. Saudis do travel outside the Kingdom and they interact with other cultures and do fine without mutawas!
Dear my friend,
beezer wrote:I think that if someone is forced to do something that they don't want, then that's wrong. Religion or not.
You can't meet up with the opposite sex? OK, alone, that might be understandable. But to invite a girl to the mall so you can hang out together in front of hundreds of people? How is that wrong? And if you choose not to cover your hair, but are forced to cover your hair. Would you still not be sinning, because deep down you choose not to cover it? Some things just don't add up. I accept all religions, but I can't imagine extremism is the right way to go about things.
This is not a matter of why is this wrong and why's not! This is a matter of a religion that tells us to go on by specific rules. So, Muslims do these rules, "at least as far as we can see", the others in these Islamic places should act, even if they don't believe, after all, they wouldn't lose anything. If you want freedom, as you'd you call it, I believe there are other places where they support this idea. Although, I believe Islam is all about freedom.
And by the way, these Mutawa are doing this whole thing by the teaching of Quran and Sunnah, nothing is out of the teaching of Islam.
SF15 wrote:Islam is a way of Life, a way to behave within boundaries of personal and social ethics. Its brings a message of peace.. Islam give EVERYBODY the right to chose THEIR RELIGION. If a religion does that...i CANNOT imagine it enforcing rules itself through a religious police. Islam takes you in its fold if you are will...not by force. We can read and understand the Quran ourselves...we don't need anybody to tell us what to do and WHATEVER we do...we are answerable to ALLAH...nobody else! The Quran is very clear on that!
And if you please there were no mutawas during the Prophet Mohammads life or that of His Caliphs.
NO OTHER MUSLIM nation has Mutawas to control its society....we are responsible for ourselves. It is more of a saudi cultural thing....a tilt for religious political influence.
I dont know why Omar called them a shame but its crazy to think that men are women anywhere would be so out of control that the need a CONSTANT third party to control them. Saudis do travel outside the Kingdom and they interact with other cultures and do fine without mutawas!
It's true that Islam is giving us the right to choose what we believe in, but also, it gives justice. If the non-Muslims act like the way they used to act in these Islamic places, we would see that, and as human beings, we would be affected, also, it gives the weak Muslims the opportunity to act the same, and this is not what Muslims want. We want to be a strong nation that puts its Islamic rules that have come from Allah above everything. And these rules tell us to not force the other to believe in Islam, but also, they tell us to help them not crossing the lines.
And yes, there were Mutawa since Islam has come. Didn't you read about the Khalifa Abou Bakir "The prophet's best friend" how he forced those Muslims who didn't want to pay the Zaka "Money should be given to the poors" after the prophet's death "Peace be upon him", and how he fought them, and made them pay. Now, in the past, there wasn't an official place that called Mutawa, but every Muslim was doing it. Telling the others to do the right, and help them not doing wrong.
And by the way, not every Saudi is a real Muslim. Only weak Muslims would be affected by others' cultures. That's why Allah has told his believers the solutions to be strong believers. And also, not all cultures are against our belief. Some non-Islamic cultures are close to ours.
Mutawaa is part of society, but it is no necessarily presenting the Islam as the god made the Isalam

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
Whats the difference between a Muthawa and the Pope?
Mutawa is not the real name of this authority, even Saudi people don't used that word to indicate to it. Its name is Hay'a, and what they do is away different than the Pope. They take care of the ethical problems, that against the Islamic rules. Someone does wrong, they would tell you're doing something wrong, please don't.
Hi, I dont mean to hurt any religion any culture or anyone in person by saying this but i beleive there is only one Religion One Culture called HumanBeing. These Religions are created by Human for their own good reasons and to facilitate their power in anyway. Be it Allah, Jesus, any Hindu god or any other god they never asked humans to do this. As far as someone is being a nice human being thats what all matters.
Ramon1990 wrote:And yes, there were Mutawa since Islam has come. Didn't you read about the Khalifa Abou Bakir "The prophet's best friend" how he forced those Muslims who didn't want to pay the Zaka "Money should be given to the poors" after the prophet's death "Peace be upon him", and how he fought them, and made them pay. Now, in the past, there wasn't an official place that called Mutawa, but every Muslim was doing it. Telling the others to do the right, and help them not doing wrong.
And by the way, not every Saudi is a real Muslim. Only weak Muslims would be affected by others' cultures. That's why Allah has told his believers the solutions to be strong believers. And also, not all cultures are against our belief. Some non-Islamic cultures are close to ours.
Im sorry I disagree. Abu Bakr was NOT SUCH thing. Please get your Islamic history right. Circumstances after the death of the prophet were VERY CONTROVERSIAL. The Bedouin tribe reverted to their old pagan ways and almost the whole of the Arabia had to be reconquered. The army under Hazrat Usamah had moved to conquer Syria. The tribes had surrounded Madina and wanted to bring down the city and refused to pay zakat. A battle was fought and Abu Bakr succeeded. The city of Madina was at peril at that time. It was a matter of his personal choice not to give in because Umar, who became the second caliph did suggest that the tribes be exempted from zakat to kepep peace within the fold of Islam.
Secondly why are you comparing zakat to social ethics? Zakat is poor alms to enable wealth to circulate in the society.
The Prophets wives had businesses, traveled with him missions and on conquests. They didnt wear Black abayas, cover their faces or live segregated lives.
Obviously, you have no idea what I was talking about! I wasn't talking about Zakat or any. I was giving an example that how we must deal with those who disobey the rules of Islam, in Islamic lands. Abou Bakir's story was an example that we should learn that we also should do as the same as those Haya "Mutawa" do as well. Whet they're doing is great for us as Muslims, and also, for the others.
And you obviously didn't read the Aya in Sura Al-Ahzab that orders the prophet Muhammad -Peace be upon him- to tell his wives, his daughters, and all Muslims women to cover their bodies up, and make them long.
By the way, I really don't know why some Muslims are ashamed of their belief! Just because few strangers disagree with our belief doesn't mean we should as well.
Didn't Allah say in Quran that we're the special Islamic Nation, because we tell other to do right and tell them to not do wrong?
this discussion is clearly getting off topic.
By the way, I remind you that the forum isn't made to discuss about religions. I am sure you can find specific forums for that.
thanks for your comprehension,
Absolutely true, Julien.
It's not up to Ramon to chastize anyone for what they say on this forum .. which, btw, is about FREE SPEECH (perhaps a new concept to Ramon).
Now I admit I stopped reading all the lenthy religious back-and-forth--because, as you say, it's so off-track.
I'm not chastising anyone, and I don't care! I'm just making a clear point how Muslims think about Haya "Mutawa". And by the way, there's no free speech about Islam, as you already know, because it's something can't be changed, and I believe this forum isn't about religious topics.
The topic wasn't, Ramon1990, but your comments are!
So kindly refrain, thanks.
Omar Al Omar wrote:Mutawaa are just shame to the society.
lol! I'm not the one who said that now, am I? What happened to not insulting any religion or belief?
FeeAcer wrote:The topic wasn't, Ramon1990, but your comments are!
So kindly refrain, thanks!
Hey, FeeAcer--good to see you! I've missed you guys!!
We are always there, Alliecat! But personally I just accomplished to moves from Mauritius -> Dubai -> Ras al Khaimah... pffff tired now and not yet finished settling in
Have a good day!
I believe this forum isn't about religious topics.
It hasn't really been until you joined the forum, Ramon. You seem to want to inject religion in every thread you participate in.
As Fee said, "kindly refrain" from doing this.
PS If Islam was so tolerant, you would have accepted Omar's opinion with better grace.
My God! Once again you bring the subject up and put it all on me! Don't you ever read all the replies before you say something! And by the way, if Omar accepted his belief like he should have, he wouldn't say what he said. But what can I say, some of us just aren't meant to live with a strong faith.
Ramon, one day my teacher told me "Close your mouth and be thought a fool rather than open it and remove all doubt" - something you should learn from a another teacher.
All the best in life's journey.
waalaa25 wrote:mutawa are allowed in d.q???
To my knowledge, yes. They aren't allowed into embassies, of course, but there's a lot of 'public area' in the DQ.

Muttawas ARE human beings. Sometimes they'll do something to hide from other muttawas. Where else would they go then???...of course 'compounds'
That's the only way you can find a muttawa inside a compound

If you need help, please send a message!
I knew a muttawa that partied as hard as the rest of us. it was hilarious
TheLegendLeads wrote:Muttawas ARE human beings. Sometimes they'll do something to hide from other muttawas. Where else would they go then???...of course 'compounds'
That's the only way you can find a muttawa inside a compound
May be once inside the compound he becomes (MUTE)AWA !!!
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