Single male 22yo moving to london

i am 22yo and will be a licensed electrician in Canada by Christmas. i am sick of what i am doing and considering a visa in England. for someone my age coming from Canada i understand it is not that hard. As i dont know much about london and this may be a silly question. which area would best be suited to people my age?
i enjoy music and have played in bands in the past, everyone likes partying and mindless drinking as well


Sounds like you are describing Camden Town! :)  Go have a look at its wikipedia entry. Don't have too much fun!

Ha! Yes, Camden would be an ideal first stop for you. Also check out Shoreditch, Islington and London Fields.

These areas are much younger, cooler and, so far, less expensive. There is also plenty of mindless drinking to be had almost everywhere else in London, too. :)

Mrs Editor

Yeah Camden but parts of Camden can be very ruff.
Well you get ruff parts everywhere but, im just saying.

I'm currently living in Islington. Someone just told me that if they stop washing their hair for a week and start chain smoking, they'll fit right in! lol.

But seriously, unless you are flat sharing, a studio in Angel, Islington where most of the pubs and restaurants are, can go for around 250 quid per week. Not sure whether budget is an issue to you. If so, Angel is definitely less rough than Camden High Street.

Not sure whether this will help but here are some things to look out for when deciding where to stay in London.