
passport seizures by company

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Syed Murtaza

Had a doubt do most companies here take the passports of Indian/expat employees

If yes then this is a human rights violation  seizure of a persons passport equals slavery literally

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Syed Murtaza

No discussion on this topic ????


Syed Murtaza wrote:

No discussion on this topic ????

Yes its a practice that exists in some of the companies in Oman. They would give you a load of reasons (fire proof safes and other storage spaces). However, I knew a friend who worked for a firm where the passports were held at their head office in the HR Department, but after writing an undertaking letter, they were happy to release his passport.

And yes, it is against the law to hold the passport of any employee, the passports are a property of the country and the concerned individual. Hope that helps.

Syed Murtaza

Still majority of the companies do this here

so I guess it is unofficially tolerated which is very sad

Can we complain to ministry of Manpower if passports are taken away by the company ?

Will they take action ?

I need info on this because  I refuse to be a bloody slave by handing over my passport  to the Companies here .


It's sad but true, and yes, definately a human rights issue, even worse, trafficking. I don't know why the powers that be turn their heads regarding this matter, but the mindset is if they have the passport, the employee can't leave .. talk about a free place. I don't know about Indians having their passports taken, but I do know that many Filipinos, even the government hospital workers (professionals) have their passports taken. I'm from the US, and haven'y experienced anything like that because our embassy is proactive ... and I will not give up my passport to anyone ... maybe it is something that should be brought up by the respecting embassies and let the diplomats work the issue.


Regarding to this issue i'd like to share my experiance. When i was working in muscat my company didn't take my passport, but since i ve been transfered to this company they took my passport ofcourse they gave me rational reason. But i can have my passport.

Talking about house worker,thats a complicated issue. It is not about keeping their passport but it is about keeping their mind free so they can work as in their own house...treat them like a family.

This is my oppinion sorry if my english isn't perfect


i would like to add... Myself i dont mind passport been taken. As long as i feel comfortble at work and they give me my right. I rather to think about how to raise my carrier then how to let them give my passport. Because this is my destiny that i have indonesian passport....what can i do?? Live my life and keep smile.


Hello Syed,

A passport is FIRST the property of the nation that issues it and SECOND property of the person to whom it has been issued. Retention or withholding of someone's passport is unlawful in almost every nation, while it may be a common practice in some countries and many governments seem to turn a blind eye to it, it is nonetheless a crime.

You should tell your employer that you would like to have your passport returned to you immediately and that failing that you will report the unlawful retention of an official government document to the local police, the Ministry/Department of Labor and to your country's Consulate as well. I'm sure that you'll get it back if you stick to your guns.

William James Woodward, EB Experts Team


Is it a rule in omani companys to keep passport of employees family members also?


Harshika wrote:

Is it a rule in omani companys to keep passport of employees family members also?

Hi Harshika,


The passports of family members are not retained by the employers.

It is only the employees' passports which are withheld - usually under the pretext of "safekeeping" !!

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