Hi there,
Having lived for almost 10 years in Switzerland and now I am considering going back to Luxembourg, I was asked to share my experience living abroad.
First of all, the decision to live in Switzerland was most entirely driven by my professional motivations: the international economic landscape in Switzerland offers a great potential for professionals. Some of the biggest brands have their european HQ based in Switzerland and the potential to grow is huge.
When I decided to go jobhunting in Switzerland my greatest strength were my language skills. Speaking more than 1 other national language next to english gives you a huge advantage over other candidates. But the competition is huge, as foreigners from around the world are trying to get a position in this beautiful country.
Lets point out some of the positive features of living and working in Switzerland:
-beautiful landscape, great skiing spots and lots of leisure activities (sailing, hiking, museums and exhibitions)
-international environment: you meet so many people coming from different cultural backgrounds, which is trully enriching
-secure and safe: Switzerland ranks amongs the safest countries in the world
-great benefit packages and lot of potential to climb the coroporate ladder
I could go on like this, but most readers do actually know the great beenfits of living here, but,
Well yes there is a big but and a few (in my opininon) negative features of living here:
-Swiss people tend to be very closed on meeting strangers, they do socialize in their own circle of friends and family, but are not very open
-the poltical landscape has become difficult for foreigners: latest votations have shown that Swiss people would like to have the numers of foreigners coming to their country limited by quotas, out of fear to preserve their country and workforce. The economic outcome has yet to be evaluated, but as a foreigner it gives you a strange feeling.
-childcare is a mess! being a working mother I did have a struggel to find a solution once I would start working again. I am not saying that this is uncommon in other countries, but having signed up for a nursery when i was only 7 weeks pregnant and only finding a solution 2 weeks before starting to work again is not something speaking in favor of having a healthy work life balance. But the truth is that not enough money or priority is given to this on a poltitical side.
-tax systems and offices are kind of a mess, for over 2 years we are being taxed on the wrong income (too high) and even after multiple calls they still didn't correct their errors. hence for 2 years we have been paying too much.
-Life is expensive: my husband and I have both good salaries which in any other country would have allowed us to own property by now. But property prices are insane, for a normal 150 sm house with a small garden (not even a recent cosntruction) you will easily pay up to 800k . Also the prices for grocery shopping, restaurants and leisure activities are above european standards.
-Healthcare system is private, not transparent and expensive: you would have to pay more than 250 per month in order to be insured on a basic level with a franchise of 2'500. This means that all expenses which fall below this amount have to be covered by yourself, once you have reached this amount in one year, the insurance takes over. So basically all healthcare costs are to be paid by yourself, which can amount to a hefty bill considering that a general doctor would charge you up to 100 per visit (no further exams or treatments). this systems leads sick people to go to a pharmacie first to receive over the counter meds before even considering seing a doctor. And I wont even discuss dental care...
So when coming to Switzerland, most foreigners only see high salaries, beautiful landscape etc. but when actually living here most of them will quickly see the downside. But it is a beautiful country with great potential :-)
So to sum up, do your research before coming to Switzerland and evaluate all aspects.