Malaysia ranked Third top for...

Women cheating on men lol. Durex Survey ranked Ghana then Thailand then Malaysia as place where women cheat most on their husbands or bfs.

I certainly have come across a lot of Malaysian women claiming single with a bf hidden away and old Thai saying "monkey not let go of branch with left hand until.right hand on another branch" comes to mind!

So a poor survey or Malaysia boleh?

Hahaha...interesting thread. I guess many women here in Malaysia choose to keep their options open until they find what they want :)

Oh I did not know about this survey. Interesting to know :)

I seem to think the term here is "friends with privileges". So with that in mind, it's possible to control the degree of commitment very successfully. You know what they say - there is always a shinier bus that may come along.

What gets me is beings westerner we are considered less loyal and more unfaithful than"religious Malaysians" but as an Indian expat once joked to me Malaysia is a fussion of all the worst aspects of Asian cultures including Indian morality "do in private with zeal what you condemn in public" lol

Huh? Not sure I understand that :)

Where did you live in Hong Kong?