Big potential change to Sarawak MM2H

This is such a big change for many future and potentially existing holders of SMM2H that I think it merits a new thread.

Thanks to @Nemodot for bringing this to our attention.

The January 2023 issue of Expat Magazine says that the latest approval letters from Sarawak Immigration declare that SMM2H holders are not allowed to live in other states, i.e. they must live in Sarawak rather than Peninsular Malaysia.



Now there is a new national Government in Malaysia and it may be that the new policy will not be implemented, but the situation is unclear at the moment. One SMM2H agent commented "Yes it is true but we don't know the implication of it. And how they are going to enforce the new clause. Until then it remains the status quo."

It seems that the best place to keep abreast of developments is the Sarawak My Second Home Group:

Lots of people posting there on this topic. It's a public group so you don't have to join Facebook to read it.

Yes, I've discussed the issue extensively on that "Sarawak My Second Home Group" on Facebook (which I host/moderate). It's a sort of "wait and see" situation given that the regulation was issued by the previous government in the week or two bounding the last election. It doesn't seem to have been approved at the Cabinet level. but was simply "ordered" by then Home Minister Hamza Saifuddin. This is the same Hamzah Saifuddin who placed all the onerous requirements on MM2H applicants, and has had an open feud with Sarawak MM2H over its less restrictive requirements. Hamzah Saifuddin  is now the leader of the opposition after a leadership fight with the former PN Prime Minister, Muyhuddin.

A new "Unity Government" was formed when the opposition Pakistan Harapan coalition won the most seats but just fell short of a majority. When Sarawak (GPS) and Sabah MP's joined with PH there was more than enough to form a government under a new Prime Minister, Anwar Ibrahim.

The Sarawak Minister of Tourism SMM2H has openly stated that one of the benefits of SMM2H is its affordability and the ability to live anywhere in Malaysia. Sarawak Tourism was gobsmacked that Immigration had added these new clauses regarding mandatory residence in Sarawak into the Letter of Conditional Approval. They have argued that the Malaysia 1963 Agreement that created Malaysia specifically gave autonomy to Sarawak in both Immigration and Tourism matters.

Were the new regulations issued prior to Sarawak and Sabah jumping ship and joining PH? If so it would have been a major blunder on Hamza's part as it clearly was an act contrary to the spirit and letter of MA63. That would have driven Sarawak and Sabah directly into the hands of Pakistan Harapan. Stupid. But if it occurred AFTER the GPS-Sarawak and the coalition government of Sabah had decided to join PH then it can only be seen as an act of spite. But one should not expect Sarawak and Sabah to willingly unite in the future with PN-Hamzah's Bersatu (which has collapsed in Sabah), UMNO, and PAS.

Now the election has resulted in some major shake ups at the Federal level that gives hope that not only will this result in a removal of the offending restriction in the SMM2H Letter of Conditional Approval but also returning to a more accessible and reasonable MM2H. The new Minister of Tourism is from Sarawak and has previously (as a MP) supported Sarawak and Sabah having an autonomous MM2H. The former Sarawakian Min ofTourism, Nancy Shukri, has moved on to another Ministry but supports SMM2H and seems to have had issues with Hamzah taking MM2H from her portfolio and creating new regulations. Several critics of Hamzah's MM2H changes in the former Parliament (e.g. Hannah Yeoh) are also now in the Cabinet as Ministers or Deputy Ministers. Even more are insistent on the protection of Sarawak and Sabah's MA63 rights.

So my advice is to hold on for a few months because both MM2H and SMM2H may expect changes favourable to new applicants because any review of the more extreme MM2H and such schemes as the Premium VIP-MM2H aren't successful in attracting applications or in generating income for Malaysia. Showing that his schemes were failures also is in their interest in countering Hamzah as a successful administrator and showing him as antagonistic to the MA63 rights of Sarawak and Sabah. Thus, IMO, there should be some favourable revisions proposed in the next few months.

@cinnamonape Thanks for the very useful summary of the possibilities. Fingers crossed.

Yes, I'm taking a wait and see attitude. Even though I planned to retire to Malaysia in mid-2023, I'm not in a huge hurry and prefer to get clarity (as much as possible) before making final plans. It seems reasonable that the new government would review the performance of MM2H and adjust the requirements to make it more successful as improving the economy, including tourism and real estate investment, is a high priority. I also wonder if it's possible to take advantage of the 90-day social visit pass and simply divide one's time between Peninsular Malaysia and either Sarawak or Sabah, alternating between these regions every 3 months?

No, the 90 days includes all of Malaysia. You would have to leave to another country entirely for a few days/weeks and come back in - a 'visa run'. You might get away with this once, but it's not a long term strategy because Immigration will spot that you are spending most of your time in Malaysia and will want to know why. In a worst case scenario they could bar you from entering for several years.

I am considering applying for the S-MM2H visa. However, I am quite hesitant because I wonder (worry) if in the future would they again change the requirements (e.g. to require any existing S-MM2H visa holders to meet even higher financial requirements, etc.) ?

For example, let's say I apply in March 2023 and meet all the S-MM2H requirements (financial requirements, etc.) and successfully get the S-MM2H visa. Then, when I have to get my visa stamped again in 5 years time, and then in 10 years time, will the S-MM2H (financial) requirements have changed again? Would they say in 10 years time (e.g. 2033), to get my S-MM2H renewed I have to deposit RM300K / RM600K / etc. in a Malaysian FD (vs. RM150K for an individual in 2023) ?

This makes it difficult for me to consider S-MM2H as a second "home" because it could very well be that one day (maybe after 5 years/10 years/etc.) financial requirements will change and if I will not be able to meet them, then I can no longer stay in Malaysia, and would have to leave my "home" after many years, which would be very sad and stressful, especially at an older age (60+).  Does anyone else see this as being a valid concern? 

@charlesknigh1 From what I read it is very much a concern for many current and potential expats. How can Malaysia expect us to make long term plans, buy property and settle down when the MM2H/SMM2H rules change every year? Five years is nowhere near long enough to feel secure and welcome. And there's no viable path to Permanent Resident status.

Add to that the treatment we received during the early stages of the pandemic, not being allowed back into our 'second home' country. There was a lot of anti-foreigner sentiment fomented in Malaysia at the time and a whiff of it still hangs around.

Overall, the trust is gone. If Malaysia doesn't want me to spend my money here and contribute to its GDP, fine, I'll go and spend it in Thailand or Dubai.

Cinnamonape, hi.  I understand you recently renewed your SM2H.  Congratulations on navigating that successfully.  In getting your extension/renewal, did you have to submit a Certificate of Good Conduct which the new rules require?  (I know when you first got your SM2H five or six years ago, it was not required of you.)  I'm just wondering how the new rules are being applied to people who entered the program earlier.

@jjlong I am reliably informed that at the five year extension stage (ie after your first five years is nearly up) you do not have to submit a letter of good conduct.

@Cobolin Thanks, Cobolin.  I'm happy the conditions for your renewal/extension will not change.   In this regard, I would say the Sarawak government is acting quite honorably toward its stakeholders.  Bid you smooth sailing ahead.

Is there any talk of  lifting the, "you must reside in Sarawak", requirement on the  SMM2H visa? I currently reside in West Malaysia and would like to remain there, as I have developed great friendships and resources.

@Vivian Kaplan No news yet.

Hi  all,

cont'd from last post

sorry my write in the last post was wrongly fired before complete.

Is it Sarawak regulation, the prove of bank balance instead of income for aged over 60 must be in Cash account or Savings account. Fixed term deposits accounts, Call deposits accounts are not accepted.

That Hong Kong  agent has never alert us this specific requirement otherwise we have the Cash?Savings account ready since last May. Is ti really necessary for us to open Savings account for this particular purpose to build a six months record from today?   

Wish you have knowledge in this particular area and advise me.


I was not required to obtain a Letter of Good Conduct for my Extension. As you mentioned, I was not originally required to submit one. I was required to have my sponsor appear in person to vouch that he was continuing his sponsorship.

I'm uncertainly what will happen when I must apply for a new SMM2H at the ten year mark. Supposedly we must submit a new application under whatever conditions apply then. I've been told that since I am a long-term resident of Sarawak my domicile will likely be here and that a local police report may be sufficient.


The requirement for Sarawak was changed from "EITHER Proof of Salary/Pension  OR a Fixed Deposit in a Sarawak branch of a Malaysian Bank." In September of last year (2022) proof of the FIXED Deposit became mandatory. So now the requirement read "EITHER Proof of Salary/Pension  OR a Fixed Deposit in a Sarawak branch of a Malaysian Bank."

Along with an increase of mandatory days spent in Sarawak (from 15 days to 30 days for applicants after this date) this caused some difficulties with many applicants. Agents were able to get some flexibility on the proof of Salary/Pension. Sufficient Savings were also allowed to be a criteria for acceptance although how much remains vague. I've heard numbers from between 150 Ringgit to 300 Ringgit in a foreign SAVINGS/CHECKING account will be sufficient in lieu  of proof of income/pension.  One must prove that account has existed for 6 months.

Presumably one can use that sum to establish the FD...but at the five year extension point one will have to demonstrate that you have both the savings account replenished for 6 months and your Fixed Deposit Certificate.

I also wonder if it's possible to take advantage of the 90-day social visit pass and simply divide one's time between Peninsular Malaysia and either Sarawak or Sabah, alternating between these regions every 3 months?

No, if one has three month tourism social visit pass  one must leave the country entirely. Sarawak and Sabah are still considered part of Malaysia despite their differences.

But Singapore, Brunei, Thailand, Indonesia are all options. One must also be out of the country a sufficient period of time that the immigration officer is satisfied that one is not simply "visa-hopping". Generally after about two weeks out one can return for another 90 Day pass. I've heard that one can get as many as three of these per calendar year. A lot if this depends on the mood or training of the officer. The more intervening countries tbetween passes the better the odds of avoiding a warning and a restricted time pass.

Alternatively one can get a limited  1 month extension if one applies to immigration in advance (there's been talk of a 90 day in-country extension, but that hasn't happened yet).

@cinnamonape I'm glad everything about your SM2H extension went well.   When you come around to re-applying at the 10-year mark, I would not be surprised if they give you VIP treatment.  You are, after all, a kind of ambassador for their SM2H marketing. 

@jjlong Nope...I'll be treated just like everyone else. If anything perhaps worse as I don't exactly keep a low profile when it comes to advocating reasonable improvements. The politicians.bureaucracy believe that changes in the rules advocated by a stakeholder likely only benefit the stakeholders. I frequently make an effort to show that there is a win-win situation. More applicants, faster processing, more $$$ in the economy, same security and health care. But some in the government are so rule-bound and also believe in the "Higher Quality Applicants will come it you ask for more money" fallacy.

Although I love Sarawak, I'm going to be looking to have a backup plan just in case.

Hello, new forum member here  where a Sarawak MCTP official is quoting as saying that they don't take issue with S-MM2H passholders living in west Malaysia and that it was immigration that forbid the practice.

I see that in order to renew your visa at 5 years, you need to send in your passport and conditional approval letter to the Immigration office in Sarawak. Since Sarawak (and Sabah) have control over their own immigration affairs, does anyone know if that office is an independent Sarawak entity or is it just a local branch office of the Federal Immigration Dept? If it's the former, they might not care to look if you've been residing on the Peninsula. Of course, only time will tell for sure, and hopefully the rules will change back in the near future.

@jeffho13 Sarawak has independent control of its immigration policy enshrined in the agreement made when Malaysia was formed. Nevertheless it seems that they have been put under pressure by the previous Federal Govt to insert the "may only reside in Sarawak" clause in new letters of conditional approval (LoCA) since approximately November 2022. I don't know what will become of that clause in future. If it didn't appear in your original (LoCA) then it would be unfair to refuse extension after the first five years on grounds of your having spent too much time in West Malaysia. But fairness may not be a consideration in some quarters.

@Cobolin Thanks, I guess we'll find out when the time comes!

Yes, it will be difficult to enforce the new rule if Sarawak is not bothered about where SMM2H holders reside. How Peninsular Immigration will deal with the issue is anybody's guess - I'd rather not speculate.

A little correction seems appropriate so as not to

mislead new readers….: Monthly income required is  RM40,000 (not RM4000).


And yes, agreed that Malaysia is a sovereign country and can therefore lay down it's own rules; but  it must not forget those existing loyal Silver haired pioneers who joined the excellent scheme under the then existing rules. No one should be so callous as to have the rug pulled from under them in such a fashion at such an advanced stage of life. Incidentally, you may have read in press reports in the past couple of days that the architect of that unrealistic set of new rules from the previous administration  (now in opposition) has had his home raided by the Malaysian Inland Revenue) authorities. We wait to see what the outcome of all these purges on some members of the previous administration will be.

i am still optimistic that good sense and wise  judgement from an excellent, non corrupt new administration will prevail - if only for the inescapable reason that very, very few aspirants would be able to meet the revised unreasonable and unrealistic criteria. I mean: RM40,000 monthly pension??? Come on!

But I do hope that they will turn their attention to this topic quickly. It must not be allowed to fester on.

Tweak the criteria to update criteria that clearly need updating, eg raise the monthly income level a little (maybe in keeping with inflation levels) and raise the annual fee a little to reflect higher admin costs, but please do not impose any vicious and failure prone ideas. Residence periods per year is debatable. Yes, second homes must be lived in for reasonable periods in any one year.

Malaysia must attract good people who can add usefully to its finances, and also promote its excellent tourism potential - but  not put people off by attracting so much bad press.

No worries. As a believer that true, correct, accurate  and swift communications is vital if you need the best and honest result in any discussion, then any error, unintended or not, must be corrected without delay. This applies in a personal, formal or informal -  or  a professional setting.

As for having  friends in high places, unfortunately I do not, but even if I did, I would not betray their confidence by releasing anything they said. Common courtesy.

However, my views are based on optimism, but not blind optimism. Without going into too much personal detail, I do believe that I am privileged in a fairly long life thus far to have been in an unique position vis a vis the usual MM2H member's past. You see, despite hailing from my home in LONDON, England, I have had a long off and on contact with life in South East Asia. I go back to having been a few feet of a Japanese officer on horseback in the then occupied Malaya in 1944 during WWII, as I hid behind my mother's skirt when she was confronted by soldiers looking for my father who was a teacher of English; a red rag to the invader.

I also experienced life in the country during what was called « The Emergency » for part of period from 1948 to 1960. The fight again the Communist Terrorists.

And I kept in close touch from afar in the UK on how Malaya became independent in 1957 and subsequently, as the new Malaysia (together with Singapore) unravelled and then was sadly separated from each other. I shall never forget the sight of the great LKY on a black and white TV screen shedding tears at the parting of the ways. An astonishing sight that really proved his genuine sorrow.

I myself have been a British citizen since birth and so, happily qualified to join the then MM2H programme many years ago under the original rules.

I say all this to explain why I hold the views I have expressed that seem to have intrigued you. Put simply, I have never known any administration of Malaysia - except from the period immediately following independence under Bapa Malaysia, or the father of Malaysia  (Tengku Abdul Rahman), which has already proven that it's declaration to fight corruption and eliminate it is genuine and has begun in earnest. Not a day goes by when anyone can see that it is the people who are now being put first; indeed, even today's news about the planned introduction of free university education  for all (except the very rich) is so exciting and good for the people of Malaysia. And this has been preceded by many, many other good, swift changes to better the lives of citizens and us all.

And of course you and others - even world wide - will know that the forces of the law will not hesitate to punish the corrupt, no matter who they are. And the Courts are being allowed unhindered pursuit of justice. No interference from Government.

I am not making any political point; that would be in contravention of the terms under which any MM2H member sighed up. It is simply a statement of fact - but the basis for the optimistic views I have expressed here and in postings I have made  elsewhere.

And so finally to your mention of the article published on 7 June. And indeed about communication.

I too saw and read the article, allegedly about remarks made by the Home Minister. However, I put it down to a reporting issue and decided to ignore it. There was no other publication that I saw that carried the same news.

I remain optimistic.

I wish you well in your search for the best place to spend your time in a second home as happily and comfortably as possible.

As far as other conditions are concerned, eg the length of time the new administration will require a MM2H member to spend in the country, is debatable. But a second home is a home and should be lived in for a reasonable part in any one year; my humble opinion.

Malaysia is a wonderful country by many, many standards. It is not perfect, of course; no country is. But from what I have personally experienced, it has a lot to offer, not only for people whose primary language is English (because of its British Colonial past), but also for others from a wide range of countries. I see and hear a lot of agreement from those other MM2H folk that I see when swimming in my condo pool or chatting over a cool drink at the local hawker stalls. Americans, Australians, French, Germans, Swiss, even Eastern Europeans. And of course more recently a lots more with a mainland  Chinese background. Even Filipinos and Singaporeans!

Attractive cost and climate are high on the list of many MM2H folk.

Long live MM2H.

Please rediscover your true, original objectives and help Malaysia regain its financial strengths, multi faceted cultural past, rightful place on the international stage and glory!

@immersed Sorry about the typo. The influence over the wording of the Letter of Conditional Approval was via Hamza Zainuddin, now President of Bersatu. Saifuddin is, indeed, the current Home Minister, who is a member of the new coalition government. He seems to be supportive of retaining the higher financial conditions and fees as he believes it is financially successful.

IMHO when one looks at the financial costs of an annual loss of @4500 new applicants annually, in addition to an annual attrition rate of @2000 renewing MM2H  VS. a small gain of perhaps 200 Elite MM2H and PVIP with Rm1 million and some higher fees.

@immersed I'd prefer to say that "If the Malaysian GOVERNMENT says they don't want any group, tourists, expats, foreign investors, it is their right to do so." That decision may be illogical, based on prejudices, xenophobia, financially stupid, etc. But yes...that is their sovereign right.

Equally true is the right of the next sovereign government to reverse those decisions.Thr problem is that the stakeholders will have lost confidence and trust.

And why would the wealthy applicants have any more security that their terms will remain the same? For example, what if the taxes on remissions starts in 2026? When they submit their FD it would be subject to a 30% tax as they are not tax residents. Or if they may have imposed a minimum stay requirement for the PVIP?

Obviously those actions would, on a superficial level generate more revenue to the government. But anyone aware of the psychology of consumers would see the flaw in that thinking.

The whole program was based upon the idea that there would not be a massive reduction of the prior applications. But it appears that the loss has been on the order of 90-97% of 2017 issued visas (from about 5000/year to about 220. Even worse many of that 220 may be erroneously counting SMM2H issued visas as being the Elite visas.

And there also has been attrition in the renewals/extensions of visas..

up to 2000. So, that's a loss of the FDs, property purchases, and day-to-day spending by about 7000 recipients and their dependents vs. a gain of about 220 Elites/PVIP recipients. I crunched some numbers and found that the revenue generated by those LOST under the old program was an order of magnitude more than the two new alternatives. The program still generates revenue through those still remaining under the old terms, but these may slowly leave (attrition) when their visas come up for renewal.

There seems to be a substantial number of supporters of the old MM2H in the new cabinet.on the other hand,  Saifuddin, the Home Minister seems to want to control the program  and maintain the Elite and PVIP. Maybe a compromise will be reached with retention of the more costly programs and a 5-year renewable "Silver" MM2H for those over 50. Hopefully those on the earlier programs will be given Grandfathering on their last visa terms.In addition, Immigration should not play politics by slowing down applications unless there is a valid security concern (which should be the only concern of the Home Ministry, not regulating the proportions of various races or financial requirements of those with Letters of Good Behaviour).

Dear cinnamonape and immersed, Glad to say that you, me and many other chat group colleagues are singing from the same hymn sheet, as it were, about the goings on about what is actually going on and the machinations of those in the new administration who decide on policy and oversee how things pan out as far as the new MM2H terms and conditions are concerned.

It may have been the case as reported in a few media at the time, that when the new administration was taking over a few months ago, allegedly, the new minister (who is a Senator , by the way, and not an MP because he actually lost his seat at the last election) declared that he would be happy to continue the work of the previous Home Minister (now Leader of the Opposition) as much as possible, implying that he would carry forward the altered terms of the MM2H programme, eg the RM1M deposit, RM40,000 per month income etc.etc.

I hope the Minister thinks again. We shall be happy to help him with any views, opinions, consultations etc to help him to understand our views, straight from the horse's mouth, as it were.

He is reputedly an old friend of the the new PM whose own views may well come into play in the fulness of time.

All this begs the question, yet again, as to what the original objectives of the programme were. Was it a programme expressly for the older folk, ie those reaching the age of retirement to spend their twilight years in a country that they always yearned to visit, or to live in for a period of a few years - or indeed to live in permanently for their own personal reasons, eg peace and quiet, relatively cheaply and very comfortably to make their pension income stretch further, away from any home country domestic problems or controversy and of course the wonderful tropical climate?

Those of us in the programme who have adhered to the terms and conditions we signed up to have not caused any controversy. It is not in our interest.

If, as alleged, there have been some who have been guilty of "spying activities" or other infringements of local law or behaviour, then they should be ashamed of themselves and have to rightly answer to the laws of the country and suffer the consequences.

By the way, in all the years that I have been associated with this truly remarkable country, so well suited for a retiree, that I have come to love so much as a second home, I have never seen any reports of any member of the programme who have been associated with any sort of "spying". There is no doubt that we might all know of someone who has paid a small something to someone at some time to get out of trouble, eg a minor traffic offence... But spying? No. At least I have not heard of anyone found guilty of "spying".

Any controversy has been brought on by the powers that be who have seriously and dramatically altered the very basis of the original terms and conditions that were laid down many years ago. Of course any administration that takes its responsibilities seriously must always keep matters under constant review; that happens in other countries that operate similar schemes. That is only right. But fine tune it. Update it, eg for inflation. But don't turn it on its head! Do not punish your loyal membership!

It may be that what has been hinted at, or alluded to elsewhere in the press etc, viz the rumours about a new Platinum, Gold and Silver programme, will emerge as the way in which the controversy will be resolved. This will help to accommodate some of the new categories of new residents being talked about viz, "...those with a higher expertise that are needed for the country...". OK. That's the prerogative of the ruling government. They are at liberty of expanding the scheme to include people who can generate more revenue for Malaysia - not necessarily to settle down here - and if they play their cards right and introduce a fair programme, with appropriate charges depending on which category you fall into, then this will not affect the likes of many of us who signed up to MM2H as retirees.

And some degree of protection for existing MM2H members should be assured within the new system. Ten year visas. Five years is far too short. Expensive, administratively cumbersome, and very disruptive to anyone who has just begun to settle down to a new life here.

New terms and conditions for new members only, I say.

There is nevertheless, in my humble view, a need to check out what the Minister said on 7 June 2023 in Parliament when answering questions about MM2H. He may have been poorly briefed and I suspect that the relevant dates may not have been accurate. How many of the allegedly new 'elite' actually joined after they were informed about the new terms and conditions? How many applications were in the course of being processed under the old terms and conditions when the new terms kicked in? How many applicants withdrew their applications when they heard about the new terms and conditions? How reliable therefore is the RM1Billion revenue that was generated by the new scheme?

There is absolutely no doubt that numbers of people interested in MM2H has plummeted. Even Agents have gone quiet and are moving away to new fields of business. Even the likes of Andy Davison, a MM2H member himself who has vested interests because he has what was a thriving Agency as well, has gone relatively quiet...

It would be of great interest if the latest figures of MM2H take up are published. Up to date.

That would settle any questions about how successful (or otherwise) the new terms and conditions really are.

But there is good news too. We are truly in a new era in Malaysia - our second home. Do not underestimate the power, influence and commitment of this new administration. Once again I say that I am not indulging in party politics. No. This is purely fact, based upon my daily observations. Even these past few days have yielded more good news: the anti corruption work goes on relentlessly. More arrests concerning 1mdb are happening.

More money that is owed to Malaysia is coming back to Malaysia.

Alleged corruption at KLIA is now also being dealt with strictly by the Home Minister and others.

I have never known any period in recent Malaysian politics quite like what is happening now. We wish the powers that be every success. It is already attracting favourable comment from several quarters. Internationally too.

But please Minister, do look after us humble MMH folk too. Please. You will not be disappointed.

Some changes in the Sarawak MM2H

They have decided to expand the opportunity of enrolling in the program to those under 40 - allowing singles  or couples without children (or who opt to school them abroad) to apply

- provided that they purchase a residential property of RM600K or more.

Those  (under 40) who enrolled their children in a Sarawak school still may apply for the program.

They also detail how those over 50 may apply for PT work under the program (they specify part-time teaching, but there may be other sectors). They also provide information on the procedures and conditions where a SMM2H holder can invest in a locally-owned (51%) business. … -minister/

Hi, newbie on applying for the S-MM2H visa as a 50+. I would appreciate confirmation of what I am learning so far: (1) Visa agent fees cost RM 12,000, (2) It will take 6-9 months to get approval (3) You have to come to Kuching to start the process (Open bank account & set up fixed deposit, Undergo medical & purchase medical insurance). Thanks

That's largely correct. 1) There are now 30 agents so some may be offering slightly lower fees. You'd have to shop around*.

2) That's being optimistic but if the MM2H revives with better terms and benefits then the time-frame may get down to the "promised" 3 month window.

3) Yes, although agents may start your file with THEM earlier and outside the country. But all of the above are things that really cannot be done outside of Malaysia. It's best to visit and complete them in a single visit with the assistance of an agent. Then you could return a year later (rather than waiting and going in-and-out on multiple 90 Day tourist visas), after approval, and pay your fees and pick up your visa. There are some documents that you and the agent/sponsor must sign together and witnessed.

*If you have a Sarawakian friend they may be willing to act as a or for a much smaller fee than an agent fee.

You may benefit by joining the "Sarawak My Second Home Group" on Facebook which has a lot of content and updates on changing policies.

Thanks for that. Yes have joined the facebook group & waiting for my 3-4 days qualification period to post questions. Will read through past threads in mean time. … -official/

PETALING JAYA: There has been encouraging response to Sarawak's own Malaysia My Second Home programme, with many applicants drawn by the more attractive conditions imposed, says a state minister.

Sarawak tourism, creative industry and performing arts minister Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah said there has been an increase in applications “probably because our conditions are more attractive (compared to Putrajaya's MM2H)”

O ye of little faith, the mention of Elites - or not - and as the case may be, whether they can be bothered with a relatively modest source of potential  personal enrichment arising from what is only one aspect of a goodwill scheme, (but one that will also help the country's finances, and will help to keep well up in its SE Asia profile), I am still confident, as I posted a few week ago, that we are very soon due to receive some encouraging news about revised conditions for federal MM2H qualification. To be distracted by such speculation and '‘conspiracy' suggestions is to ignore the facts that speak for themselves eg corruption down, a unity government in charge, real judicial independence, strict budget management, rapid progress in the first 100 days, tangible help -  not just money - for the less privileged, its green agenda, its international investment programme  publicity about its health agenda, eg the dangers of excessive sugar consumption, continuing awareness about Covid,   low inflation etc - these not only give the feel but is also clear proof that Malaysia has turned a corner and intends to keep it that way.

I make these points with no political agenda - purely as a long time, law abiding MM2H holder, as per the contract I signed. In fact, all of the above is what any of us MM2H visa holders would be happy fo see.

Yes, and I include encouraging exchange rates for us  too - although this is about the only aspect that our Malaysian friends baulk against; but this is a difficult one. It is a consequence of international factors to a large extent.

One other point of interest - and relevance - concerns the soon to be throned new Agong (King) of Malaysia: He is currently the Sultan of the state of Johor and a champion of good governance and prosperity for his people and his views about the MM2H scheme are  very well publIcised and known to the PM. His 5 year tenure as Agong begins on 31  January 2024 and his influence on the future of Malaysia will no doubt be felt in no small way. As MM2H visa holders, we can look forward to a more promising future, for sure.

All we ask is that these revised terms

will,  when they are announced, be fair, reasonable, competitive with those on offer from

neighbouring SE Asian countries, and be within the reach of the average international retiree; special conditions for other groups of applicants can be included.

Finally, keep an eye on the Singapore situation too. Those of you who have your ears to the ground will hear that the noises to team up are getting louder; with any luck, trips to Singapore will become easier for MM2H holders. Wouldn't that be a nice touch?

“Visit Malaysia Year” 2026 will be back after a few years'  hiatus. So, January 2024, with the new year and the new King's enthronement would be the perfect time for a comprehensive announcement for this wonderful country!

Let the Marketing begin!

We MM2H people can also play a big role!

I will never trust Malaysian politicians

and always same story, rules changes 5 times a year, to the worst of course

I am considering withdrawing from SMM2H, due to the constant changes and inconsistency of rules being applied. Can anyone with recent experience of withdrawing from the scheme outline the necessary steps?

My main concerns are:

I can leave it until my visa expires, but would presumably then have to leave Malaysia and come back later on a tourist pass to shut down my FD and transfer the funds out of the country.

OR I withdraw sooner and hope that Immigration give me a period of grace for a few days to do the above without unnecessary flights.

What was the main change in rule hurt u more and made u decide to take this action?

    What was the main change in rule hurt u more and made u decide to take this action?

    -@Jom ?Jombali? Bali

They are changing the rules for renewals and not letting people know in advance. Just making up new rules that applicants never agreed to 5 years ago.

Anyway, I have found out how to withdraw from the scheme, no further information needed.