
Enjoy Life!

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Sometimes we feel lonely and discouraged to live here in the midst of the desert but there are still ways to enjoy life...
1. Learn to love the environment where you are now.
2. Accept and enjoy the company of the people close to you now.
3. Be optimistic in your point of view..because everything has a reason..and God makes all things beautiful in His time.
4. Keep the best food..
5. Relax and go out some other time..find a new place....don't forget to take pictures of the new places you've been....:)because you can never turn back time.

See also

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1. i cant stand heat! its summer here for almost 10 months!
2. ya, got some good company, but as a human, 'i want more'
3. ya, agree!
4. eating and expanding. alhamdulillah, having the best food in the world here.
5. wat? new place here?? u must be joking!


....don't forget to take pictures of the new places you've been

A rather naive suggestion--be VERY careful taking pics in the Kingdom.  First off, anything deemed 'governmental' is off limits; second, any pics of Saudi's are off limits; and third, pics of expats that end up posted on Facebook sometimes cost people their jobs!


Almost all year round is summer here...but your not always outside and expose in the ice cream when its hot..and go malling even your not gonna shop...its just merely adjusting and learning to love the place..even its not worth accepting..
About taking pictures......I know that its not allowed to take pictures here...but in some places u can take pictures..of yourself and your close friends of course....


to shahab,
   i am contented sometimes to be the audience and watch people exchange ideas and opinions, through that i learn on the process. i like your sense of humor and the way you answer them.

to jazz,
     yes! you are absolutely right.... i agree to all your statement, especially number one. we need to adjust ourselves to the place where we are now...we cant do anything about the culture just go with the flow and enjoy life while earning here.


Jazz, I agree with your basic premise and your optimism is absolutely the way to not only survive but also enjoy your time in Saudia.

What really helps here, of course, is having a network of friends.  On my compound of 1400 people, over 1,000 are Filipino and I admire their camaraderie.  They create their own fun.  Just give them a ball and next thing you know, there are teams and it's a volleyball game!  Give them a camera, and next thing you know they're running around the compound finding different backgrounds and doing different poses.  I've observed all this, btw.

Many westerners, however, seem to need 'more' to have fun.  I don't know if it's due to age or the fact that we got used to having more. It's also more difficult for us because there are fewer of us in Saudia so we don't have as large a pool to make friends.

For me, I'm lucky because I've always been independent and self-sufficient but everybody does need friends.  This forum creates the sense of family that I need here and for that I am grateful.


Alliecat wrote:

For me, I'm lucky because I've always been independent and self-sufficient but everybody does need friends.  This forum creates the sense of family that I need here and for that I am grateful.

True Alliecat, we may not all have a partner or the freedom 'to be' but the Riyadh forum does create a sense of family...

'fatherly' MusicMan
' brother' Shahab, Ray (and where is Salman these days?)
'sisters' Nonz,Caf, etc...and all the others that drop in now and again...

We should have a theme song, how about James Taylor's,
'You've got a friend'.? (I think I'm going to cry!):(

'Ninja Mama':lol:

Fidgety Soul

Well,I think it entirely depends your resources to access them and yeah about Filipinos,I am literally agree.I got a Lab Technician at my work,viewing her profile on Fb was amazing due to her pictures taken in Riyadh.I just couldn't believe her existence in Riyadh.All those Salsa,tap dances,Golf activities and many more were fun to watch.It may requires some extra effort to find right places and right people to move around with.

Fidgety Soul

Ioanna wrote:
Alliecat wrote:

For me, I'm lucky because I've always been independent and self-sufficient but everybody does need friends.  This forum creates the sense of family that I need here and for that I am grateful.

True Alliecat, we may not all have a partner or the freedom 'to be' but the Riyadh forum does create a sense of family...

'fatherly' MusicMan
' brother' Shahab, Ray (and where is Salman these days?)
'sisters' Nonz,Caf, etc...and all the others that drop in now and again...

We should have a theme song, how about James Taylor's,
'You've got a friend'.? (I think I'm going to cry!):(

'Ninja Mama':lol:

I am so touched and actually "I really am".If I wont be working I would have been spending more time with them.

I have never been so fond of typing,I am more to the talking side:P but I always do effort to grab out some time and exchange few posts and I am glad we have managed to have a little scattered kind of group here and no matter how hard we pull each others leg but we still r companions here :kiss:


the_dreamer wrote:

to shahab,
   i am contented sometimes to be the audience and watch people exchange ideas and opinions, through that i learn on the process. i like your sense of humor and the way you answer them.

thanks a lot dreamer for ur such kind words... u made my day and i guess i will dream abt it too

@cat...ya i like these people from far east, they enjoy every bit of it, however and wherever

@loanna...aww...dont cry, well i aint a brother!!!!

nonz wrote:

no matter how hard we pull each others leg but we still r companions here

is this for me??


well i aint a brother

What do you consider yourself to be? ;)


depends on the other person! ;)
btw thats a funny dp u've got

Fidgety Soul

nonz wrote:

no matter how hard we pull each others leg but we still r companions here
is this for me??

AAhhmmmmmmmmm  Probably :P


o thanks!!! i m flattered


One quotation says that.."No man is an Island" all people needs companion because human by nature needs someone near beside him...or else she or he will be crazy.


hey jazz, y this statement here??
is it that u think i am crazy coz of this reason?


hi shahab! i dont think ur crazy but maybe its just only u dont like the company of the people around u....


nah...i think i have good company now a days...


ok..thats great!

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