
Has anyone brought pet chickens to Mauritius?

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David Expat

Hello all,

We have a couple of pet bantams that we will bring with us when we move over. I've seen RosieWestie's (and others') excellent advice on Julian's thread on the formalities of bringing pets, but wondered if anyone had experience or knowledge of bringing chickens or perhaps other birds?

Were there any issues different for those mentioned about bringing pet dogs and cats e.g. vaccinations?

Were there quarantine facilities in place for pet chickens, or did people think you were odd (perhaps you think that of me!)?

We (and out little birds) will be coming from the UK.

Thanks for your help,


See also

Living in Mauritius: the expat guideGuidance notes for bringing dogs/cats from the UK into MauritiusTravel to France with 2 dogs | administration guidance please!Air Freight Dog CageCat sitter in North of Mauritius between 6 July - 1 September 2024

Hi David,
So so sweet :)

Ring the number of the quarantine department that I put on my posting, they will be able to answer all your questions.

Have a good weekend :)

David Expat

Hi Rosiewestie,

Thanks, they make surprisingly good pets!

We'll contact quarantine as you suggested - may also visit them when over in a few weeks.

Enjoy your weekend - I think that you'll get better weather...



Hi David,

I really hope you're able to bring them over-I had pet bantams as a student and they've got bags of character! Unfortunately as they aren't dogs, cats or ferrets(!) they don't come under the same PETS travel scheme as them, so it's not something that I know that much about, but the DEFRA export team in the UK will be able to guide you through the necessary steps. If you ring their Carlisle office on 01228 403600-I think it's option 4 for live animal exports, I'm sure they'll be able to sort you out as they're in charge of all the export paperwork. They'll probably also advise that you speak to the quarantine people here as rosiewestie has mentioned just in case there have been any recent changes to Mauritian rules etc, which I would strongly recommend for peace of mind.

Hope this helps, if you need any more help/advice I'll do my best!

Good luck!

Dina Robin

Hi David,
I don't know about bringing chicken to Mauritius, but if you like Bantam chicken you can get some from me. I brought years ago a dog with me to Mauritius,but chicken? 
Good luck


Hi David,

    Well it's not just the spurs then I have some chickens and want to keep them in mauritius . I am going to bring an eglu but wondered if I could import the eggs of some species that I would want? If I can't find the right breeds there  i cant see it being allowed though?

Be nice to find out ,


David Expat

Thanks for all the replies everybody!

Hi Amy, that's brilliant information on the UK end, I'll definitely contact Defra. Character is the right word for them!

Hi Dina, Yes, we can't leave the little chickens behind! We might take you up on getting some more bantams when we move over. What breeds do you have?

Mark, I know that live egg imports are normally heavily regulated, but it might be possible. Calling Defra as Amy suggested and contacting quarantine with the details on Rosiewestie's posting (follow the blue link in my post at the top) should confirm. I'm happy to ask further questions of quarantine in person in a few weeks as we'll probably go there.




Hi all, one last issue on chickens some of you said you had bantams but does anybody know if there are different varieties to buy over there.? There is a shop in Rose hill that sells chickens but they are all the same industrial breed?


David Expat

Hi Mark,

I recently saw at least three different breeds of chickens in the window of 'Alain Aquapet' in Rose Hill (perhaps this is the shop you mentioned?), which is roughly near the former Billabong Factory Shop.

I'm not sure what varieties they were though, but one variety looked a bit like a Silkie.




If you are still looking, I have a contact in Port Louis, Mauritius who has various varieties of fowl - silkies, brahmas, indian game, bantams, guinea fowl, , peacocks etc.


Hi , thanks for the info that you can get different breeds there.

Cheers. Mark

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