HELLO everybody , i want to know if there are some good places or sites to find some good jobs with average saleries for a foreign student at Bruxelles ,

thank you ;)

Best bet for a foreign student looking for some extra cash would be barwork.
How old are you, what's you level of Dutch/French (if any) and what can you do (Jobs skils)
Also if you are studying a subject that is in demand it might help you to get a foot in the door in the field you wish to work in later.

First Thank you Jemmy , well my lever of french is good , and just few words of Dutch, i'm studying Cinema , and I've a lot of things that I can do  ( video editing , camera , infography.. ) also some works out of this domain.

Thank you again

Also do you know as a student you can only work for 2 months a year

hannahhadman wrote:

Also do you know as a student you can only work for 2 months a year

That is for vakantiewerk (holiday work) but a lot of students supplement their income doing part time jobs on the weekends (Mainly in bars where the tax and legal situation is, shall we say more relaxed than many other jobs)
And there is always festival work in the summer doing security, concession stands, car park duty and so on..

Well my BF who is a Belgium Student. Is eaither allowed to work 2 months in the summer or one month in summer and 30days split over the year or 2 months split over the year.

hannahhadman wrote:

No they can do it in holidays or work the 2 months during the year on weekends. I know this as my b/f is a student and currently working

Indeed,you are correct there.
My girlfriend works her 2 months in the holidays but she also does some casual/part time work on weekends during the year. If you are controlled while working the consequences can be serious but a very high % of students do it off the books, (mainly as waiters)

Yeah true although im not sure id wanna risk it in a country were i could be deported lol be different if i was belgium.

hannahhadman wrote:

Yeah true although im not sure id wanna risk it in a country were i could be deported lol be different if i was belgium.

Also true..

Thank you all for your answers , a student who wants to work has just to move to find a chance , thanks again people ;)

hi can anyone tell me where can i find some sort of work here,like any kind of work...really i am able to do everything for very reasonable price :D

looking forward :cool: thanks

An EU national CANNOT BE DEPORTED unless they are a threat to national security or express some views so outrageous that your views are in complete contrast to undermine the values of the country.

If you're noted for tax purposes as an ordinary individual who also studies after work, then you can work as many hours as the EU working hours directive allows you.