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Hi, I'm new to this site and forum. I'd love to connect with any expats currently living in Italy. I'm in the north, up in the mountains but planning to move somewhere else later this year. Not sure where to yet though :) Suggestions welcome!

See also

Living in Italy: the expat guideHi there 👋 expats in the Sesto Calende/Arona area ?Parzanica, Sarnico, Iseo, Lago d'IseoUS expats living near Lake Garda?Searching For English-Speaking Italian Renovations Manager

Hello happyannie1,

Welcome to!

Don't hesitate to interact with other members!

I'm sure you will find many recommendations.1f60e.svg


Yoginee team

M Hunt


Hi, your question has no borders and is difficult to answer without knowing something about you and your family. What you need, want and expect, type of accommodation, large/ small, rent or purchase, what are your family interests?

Italia is a fascinating and diverse  country, history of course but the people, foods, wines and the  differences in language and attitudes varies province by province as does the shape of the land.

Provide some clues so we can offer our experiences and suggestions please.


Hi, not sure what you mean by borders? It's just me and I'm looking for somewhere to rent where there is a community of people engaged in everyday life. I've been living in the mountains for 4 years and it's very isolated (especially with the added challenges during Covid). Being within an hour's drive of a good airport (Fumicino or Nice) is preferable as Turin is great in winter but it has its limitations during the year. Space-wise, somewhere that is at least 75m2 and with a light/sunny position.  Hopefully this is enough additional info. Thank you!

Nathan Elkrieff37

Hi Annie,

I will write to you again when I am installed in ROME.




@Nathan Elkrieff37 Great, look forward to hearing from you. I hope your move goes well.

Nathan Elkrieff37


Thanks, Annie.

Articles to help you in your expat project in Italy

All of Italy's guide articles