Living in Denmark as an expatriate

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16,055 members on the Denmark network
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Make your expat project in Denmark successful

Located in Northern Europe, Denmark is described by expatriates as a safe and peaceful country. Indeed, it offers unparalleled quality living to expatriates, especially thanks to its pleasant environment.

By choosing to live and in Denmark, you will discover the culture of perfection in a sound and relaxed atmosphere. The country also provides quality higher education to international students.


Find your dream job and take your career to an international level. Apply to the vacancies available.


Browse the Denmark housing ads and find the perfect accommodation

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Recommended services

Try it, recommend it! Share your opinion and get in touch with professionals and services tested and approved by expats.

Psicoanálisis en Dinamarca
Hola! Mí nombre es Pablo Gómez y soy psicoanalista. Ofrezco mi consulta on-line para expatriados de habla hispana que residan en Canadá. Si tienes interés no dudes en consultarme, Copenhague, Capital Region


Aamann & Co ApS
Amager Landevej 147B, Port 5, Kastrup, Capital Region


HF Jensen
Emdrupvej 70, Danstrup, Capital Region

Computer engineering services