Living in South Africa: the ultimate expat guide
Everything you need to know for a successful life in South Africa.
Located at the extreme south of the continent, South Africa attracts lots of expatriates. This multiethnic country offers a cosmopolitan environment to which expats can easily adapt and live in, as symbolized by the national motto "Unity in Diversity".
Skilled expatriates looking for career prospects can find opportunities in the management, IT, engineering or teaching sectors.
The South African population
The country has 3 capitals: Pretoria administrative capital, Cape Town legislative capital and Bloemfontein judicial capital. The population of approximately 60 million inhabitants lived from 1948 to 1994 under the Apartheid regime, the social and economic consequences of which are still felt today.
The Dutch (Boers or Afrikaans) arrived in South Africa in 1652 and founded the city of Cape Town but had to move north after the Cape of Good Hope was taken by the British in 1806.
From 1910 the English and Afrikaans governed together under the Union of South Africa, which became a republic in 1961 after a whites-only referendum.
In 1948, the National Party systematized the policy of Apartheid (separation in Afrikaans) practiced since the seventeenth century by the first Dutch colonists. The African National Congress (ANC), led by leaders such as Nelson Mandela, violently opposed this racist and segregationist regime, and in the late 1980s, the National Party agreed to negotiate a transition to majority rule. On June 30, 1991, apartheid laws were abolished, and in 1994, the first multiracial elections were held, which were won by the ANC. Nelson Mandela became the first black president of South Africa.
Since then, South Africa has been working to address the social inequalities of the apartheid era in housing, education and health care, but remains one of the most unequal countries in the world.
The black community represents 80% of the population but remains a heterogeneous group because it is divided into tribes, each with its own traditions and customs: Nguni, Sotho, Shangaun, Tsonga, Venda, Zulu and Xhosa. Their social and economic situation has not really improved because of the systemic inequalities that persist.
The white community, which represents 9% of the population, is 60% Afrikaans and 40% British. Afrikaans are conservative, mainly Calvinist, and very attached to their language and culture. Some of them are descendants of Huguenots (French Protestants who fled France after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in the 18th century). The British community has remained very "British" in its lifestyle and traditions.
The Coloreds represent 9% of the population and are mostly present in Cape Town. They are mostly Muslim, and their mother tongue is Afrikaans. At the end of Apartheid, social and economic measures were mainly put in place for the black community, and the Coloreds were left out of the reforms. They live mainly in their own townships. The 2% of Indians and Asians are mainly small traders.
Languages in South Africa
There are eleven official languages in South Africa: Sepele, Sotho, Tswana, Venda, Tsonga, Swati, Afrikaans, English, Ndebele, Xhosa, and Zulu. The government recognizes only two official languages in the organizations under its jurisdiction: English and Afrikaans, a colonial injustice that continues.
The society in South Africa
Since 1994, South Africa has made efforts to address Apartheid-era social inequalities in housing, education and health care, but remains one of the most unequal countries in the world and is still fragmented by social and economic inequalities between black and white. Inequality persists, corruption plagues the country's highest institutions, and xenophobia is a constant threat.
Segregation is felt geographically, with the white minority concentrated in urban areas. The townships, separated from the privileged urban sectors, remain neighborhoods without social mix. Racial segregation still exists: nearly 50% of the population lives below the poverty line, and whites earn, on average, three to five times more than blacks. Despite the emergence of a black middle class, 20% of families live in extreme poverty. The same is true of healthcare in South Africa: 80% of the population uses the public healthcare system, which is underfunded and understaffed, while 20% of the population seeks care in the private sector, which is excellent.
Expats in South Africa
Expatriates who come to South Africa are shocked by the fact that people are referred to by their skin color, which implies economic, social and cultural stereotypes. The different communities live together, do not mix, but respect each other enough to live and work with each other, which is close to the "Rainbow Nation" project so dear to Desmond Tutu.
When you go abroad, you have to keep an open and positive mind (and especially stop comparing everything with your country of origin), don't hesitate to try new experiences, and get out of your comfort zone. Being interested in others and wanting to understand their culture and way of life is the best way to get closer to them and integrate.
Get an overview of living in South Africa with general information to discover the destination.
Find out more on visas, passports and entry requirements to travel to South Africa.

Traveling to South Africa
With its location at the end of Africa, its contrasting landscapes and wilderness, and its multiracial and multicultural population, South Africa is ...
All you need to know on work visas, work permits, working holiday visas and residence permits to live and work in South Africa.
Dive into the South Africa labour market, legal framework and tips on how to find a job in South Africa.

Working in South Africa
Anyone who is not a citizen or permanent resident of South Africa and wishes to work in South ...

Setting up a business in South Africa
South Africa occupies a central economic position on the African continent and setting up a ...

Jobs in South Africa
Discover professional opportunities in South Africa and boost your career.
Explore real estate or temporary rentals in South Africa. Find out more about renting or buying a house or a flat, real estate agents, leases and rental agreements.
Universities, training courses, student visas, registration procedures: all you need to know about being an international student in South Africa.

Study in South Africa
South African higher education is considered the best in Africa. For the past twenty years, South Africa has been experiencing an influx of ...
Health care
Understanding the healthcare system in South Africa: public and private health system, health insurance...

Healthcare in South Africa
When relocating to South Africa, healthcare will be one of your main concerns. Since its advent to ...

Accidents and emergencies in South Africa
Despite the good condition of the main and secondary roads, the number of road accidents is very ...

Health insurance for expats in South Africa
Protect your health during your expatriation.
Navigate the banking system in South Africa: how to choose a bank and open a bank account.
All you need to know about income tax, the tax system and filing your taxes as an expat in South Africa.

Tax in South Africa
The South African tax system consists of direct and indirect taxes. Direct taxes apply to individuals, companies and estates. Indirect taxes are ...
From public transports to renting or buying a car, explore the best options to getting around in South Africa.

Transport in South Africa
South Africa is a huge country, but it is undoubtedly the country in Africa with the most modern infrastructure for getting around.
Essential information on driving requirements in South Africa, driver's license exchange and international permits.

Driving in South Africa
This immense country, with its diverse landscapes, is an invitation to travel. Even if domestic flights are not expensive, the best way to travel ...
Moving to South Africa? Find useful information and tips to organize your move.

Moving to South Africa
Moving to a new country with your personal belongings can be a real logistical challenge. But ...

Travelling to South Africa with your pet
Planning your move abroad is a challenging feat, and it can be even harder if you want your pet to ...

Free quotes for your move
Get the best offers to easily organize your relocation to South Africa.
Internet and phone providers, plans, and everything you need to stay connected in South Africa.

Phones and Internet in South Africa
On your arrival in South Africa, you will probably want to communicate with your friends and family abroad. Thanks to the country's developed and ...
Sports, leisure, culture and other activities expats can enjoy in their spare time in South Africa.

Leisure in South Africa
When moving to South Africa, whether to work, study or for other reasons, the “Rainbow Nation” offers a range of leisure activities which ...
Everyday life
Eager to discover what life in South Africa looks like? Here's a taste.

The South African lifestyle
Diversity is one of the words that could best describe South Africa: diversity of landscapes, languages and people. Here's what you need to know ...
Articles from the magazine
Agnieszka: "Salaries in Johannesburg are quite a lot higher"
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From Africa, With Love
My name is Caroline Collie and I'm originally from the 'Original' Washington which is in the eastern part of North Carolina in the USA. My husband is originally from South Africa, but we met in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Hello, Hi, Howzit. I'm Nicola. I'm originally from the UK, but have had the good fortune to live in a few different countries. Currently our family of four is getting cosy in Jozi, the City of Gold.
My name is Heather Mason and I'm from Baltimore, Maryland, in the United States. I've been living in Johannesburg, South Africa for the past six years and I write a blog, 2Summers.
Cape Town, South Africa, through the eyes of an expat
After having spent many years living in London, Cambodia, and Singapore, Mei now calls Cape Town home. Coming from a mixed background herself, Mei has always had a deep interest in exploring other cultures, and loves to discover new places. She tells about her life in the Mother City, her observations of South Africa, and the abundance of leisure activities at her doorstep.
Proposed tax amendment heralds change for South African expats
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5 good reasons to move to Cape Town
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