
School exam papers leaked?

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Sorry for the provocative title.
This is what my Form 3 child told me after returning from school.
I don't think it's a rumor because She checked with several of my classmates.

A student in her class scored 8 out of 8 in math. great but...
The student already knew her exam questions the day before her exams.

Her school's math teacher tutors a few students after her shift, and He tells her math exam questions
I met and asked other parents to check.
they said, " in Mauritius, it is common for school teachers to work as tutors after work,
and you see why school teachers are so popular as tutors? "
asked me
but I don't get it.
I'm trying to figure out how to respond to this unbelievable news.

See also

Living in Mauritius: the expat guideGovernment schools for expatsSupport After School SchoolingCitizenship and permit in case of divorcemom & toddler classes in the North (Grand Baie)

@coolinny you can send a letter by registered post to the ministry o education and wait for her response. There was definitely a leak of exam papers before the exam and I thought there was a remedy.

@coolinny  Is the Teacher / Tutor South African by any chance ?

Leaking of exam papers is the norm , specially in Government schools , in SA !

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