Gifted and talented children in Mauritius

Can anyone advise on meeting the needs of children in this category. Are any of the international schools able to meet particular needs of these children both academically and emotionally?
Any experience of parenting these children to share with a family struggling right now.
Thank you for your help
Dr Jean-Marc Michel

Hello Dr. Michel,

I think a country like S.Africa would be your closest 'best' option for such needs. There are probably a few private boarding schools that cater to advanced, intellectual, young kids.

It would also probably be a good idea to seek professional advice from a psychologist to determine the needs of the child as well.

Then again, you could just give the child a fast and powerful PC with about $100 server-credits to start tinkering with the internet/websites and he/she could become the next Mark Zuckerburg :)


rushikay wrote:

Hello Dr. Michel,
It would also probably be a good idea to seek professional advice from a psychologist to determine the needs of the child as well.

Then again, you could just give the child a fast and powerful PC with about $100 server-credits to start tinkering with the internet/websites and he/she could become the next Mark Zuckerburg :)



I guess you didn't read his profile before writing  this type of  response !

I just did and I must apologize to Dr. Michel if I offended you. I was not aware of the circumstances surrounding these talented young kids.


Even *if* some of these young and gifted kids are facing certain challenges, some of them may still have the capacity to be great programmers (I say 'if', as we do not know the circumstances surrounding the request).

Hello  you may contact

Isabelle d'Abbadie-Di Betta
Membre de Mensa

+230 57 54 95 49

I am grateful for your feedback. No apology needed.
J-M Michel

Thank you that Is a very helpful suggestion.
Dr J-M Michel