
Citizenship and permit in case of divorce

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Olesia Roopchand

Hello to All

Question  is : I lived here and been married to a Mauritian for 8 years, having a son Mauritian born, in case of divorce what permit will I get ? And do I need to get work permit in that case ?

Cant nderstand how can I lose permit after divorce having a Mauritian son ? If it's truth then this country ridiculous

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Olesia Roopchand wrote:

Hello to All

Question  is : I lived here and been married to a Mauritian for 8 years, having a son Mauritian born, in case of divorce what permit will I get ? And do I need to get work permit in that case ?

Cant nderstand how can I lose permit after divorce having a Mauritian son ? If it's truth then this country ridiculous

You will be allowed to stay and reside on the island ( and most probably be given a work permit)  up and until your son turns 18 yrs old.

BTW: Since you have been here for nearly 8 yrs , why don't you apply for Mauritian citizenship if Ukraine does not prevent you from having dual citizenship ?
Just to be on the safe side!

Tecsla Inc.LLC

You need to see a divorce lawyer to advice better because the Law of this country in marrying and divorcing a citizen of Mauritius is very complicated and does not favour foreigners at all in any shape or form. Wish you luck in your trials

Olesia Roopchand

Hello and thank you, I wanted to apply, but my husband never let  me (insecure scared person)
but now I can apply for citizenship not as a spouse of Mauritian, it tales up to  years

thanks for  help

Olesia Roopchand

I have met many of them,  I dont see anyone professional here, they dont give any hope and actually dotn much care


There are definitely professionals in Mauritius.

However, there are also a few who only see clients as walking currency bills.

Perhaps, expats are more prone to fall victims to such 'non-professionals' given the expats' likely limited contextual information.

But, I don't think this is a phenomenon that is restricted to a particular profession or country.



Olesia Roopchand wrote:

Hello and thank you, I wanted to apply, but my husband never let  me (insecure scared person)
but now I can apply for citizenship not as a spouse of Mauritian, it tales up to  years

thanks for  help


You do know that after after Four years living under the same roof as your husband on the island, you are allowed to apply for citizenship as the Spouse of a Mauritius citizen



Not as easy as that.
Please check the Mauritius Guide located under Discover at the top of this page. 

Your profile shows you are Singaporean and living in Zambia so are you looking to head to Mauritius, find a bride and settle there. Citizenship is not a quick process.


Hello everyone,

@ Porcha, indeed as mentioned above, please read the Mauritius Guide + Mauritius allows/recognizes only opposite-sex marriages/wedding.

All the best


porcha33 wrote:

also want to know if i marry a local woman, will i get mauritius citizenship?

does mauritius allow non-binary wedding?

Mauritius does not support LGBT.


Hello there
Am afraid the law is not on your side.
Even if you divorce your spouse, you will still need to seek and obtain his consent and written permission in an approved form of Affidavit stating that your spouse grants you forever his permanent consent to you, now and in future, in relation of your application for a work permit.
This consent is important to ensure that you are a person of good character and morals. It also applies if you seek to stay in Mauritius after your divorce.
Residency applications have certain requirements and one of them is that you should be a person of good character and also a person fit and proper to be a good citizen of Mauritius.
Even if you successfully manage to severe your matrimonial ties with your spouse, you will always be required to state your marital status in any job applications.
Employers tend to look dispassionately at job applications from divorced applicants.



Hello there
Yes, same sex marriages or love are banned in Mauriitus.
Mauritius is still one of the very few places where you are not allowed to indulge in same sex act including acts of sodomy.
You may notice that the law is peculiarly about anal sex between two parties, males or females or whether it is consensual or not. The law does not stipulate that only male homosexuals are affected. It will apply in circumstances where even a male and a female having consensual anal sex.
This law or piece of legislation dates back to the colonial days where the British government had enacted the law on homosexuality to seemingly, stop British male soldiers from committing acts of sodomy among themselves.
Unfortunately, this obscure and rarely used law has not been reviewed and remedied or rectified in Mauritius.
So, expats must be careful if they are engaging in same sex partners or committing acts of sodomy on females.

shen wei

I think it's better you apply your citizenship before divorce but your husband needs to support on your case.

Else if you divorced with kids custody they will allow you stay here till kids 18 years old.

If you divorced without the kids custody they will send you leave notice within 2 months I think as soon as the divorce was processed by court.

shen wei

If you divorced, your occupation permit will have nothing to do with the ex. Needs  no concern from him.


Hi there

you seem to be confused and show a lack of understanding of the legal difference between "OCCUPATION PERMIT" and "EMPLOYMENT PERMIT, COMMONLY KNOWN AS WORK PERMIT".

Occupation permit and work permit are two different things.

The query in this forum was about work permit,



Was your marriage simply a RELIGIOUS MARRIAGE and was it registered with the civil authorities?

you may not have legal standing in a court of law if the marriage was just a religious one.

assuming you can file for divorce proceedings in the court, you would be better off if you ask the Court to grant you a decree nisi, BY MUTUAL CONSENT, to dissolve your marriage regardless whether one party was at fault or not.

You would also gain a lot if you remain amicable with your future ex-husband when it comes to property division, custody of your child and also remaining in Mauritius.

In my profession, I have sadly noticed that marriages do irretrievably break down because of AFFAIRS, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND LACK OF TRUST.

Feel free to contact me and I will be happy to help if I can.

shen wei

@Barbarasigh, maybe you are right. I don't know what's the procedure of applying work permit. Really need one's husband or ex concern? 😂 We are like in which ages? Can't believe.

shen wei

In that case I think better seek a lawyer for professional advice in terms of custody, property separation, residence permit and so on.

Olesia Roopchand

so even if I put 3 declarations against him ? he is the person who needs to have embargo here as he is violent etc, in this case he lost it all, as im at good morals and he must be questioned a lot as he has list of declarations in police

Olesia Roopchand

with religious u cant get any permit here or even to stay here, in general religious means nothing now, so its not even a question

shen wei

I don't understand why I got so much attention from this hk journalist and attacked me in person. I just simply try to answer her question. Everyone has different way to live and make things done. I don't know my free talk here becomes something to criticize my value.

I think your talk has shown you are completely a racist. I have stayed in Mauritius over decades and since day one I use my real name and identity of this account on expats. I had never seen person like you.



this "journalist" who just landed from no where was obviously a troll. I have deleted this account.

best regards,



barbarasingh wrote:

Mauritius is still one of the very few places where you are not allowed to indulge in same sex act including acts of sodomy.

Not offering opinion of rights or whatever, just pointing out your statement is inaccurate. … ll-illegal

That's 60 something countries - Quite a few.
If I may be so bold as to make a suggestion - if you're going to make an argument, don't lie to prove it because it ruins your chances of looking credible.

This posts expresses no bias either way as far as gay sex or laws on the subject go. Basically, I don't care, but I'm not too keen on extremism of any sort.

shen wei

@Thank you, Julien.

vipin singh parmar

After divorce 6 months government give to look for other permit. Visa to stay finished as you do divorced in Mauritius .
You are married for 8 years with Mauritius citizen and having kids if you applied before for citizenship then it's different story.
You can apply for permit through edb mauritius all is online.
You can search on Google edb business mauritius.  If you need help I can help it.

shen wei

@Olesia, Don't worry too much. There are many different types of permit to let you stay in Mauritius. Get a lawyer and win your divorce case. The person at fault will compensate the other party on the allowance after divorce (I heard that). Be strong for your kids.
Real question is, even after divorce how you will get away from ex and not harrased by him again? I don't think this is the concern on priority for local police.


One if my friends was in exactly the same situation as yours. She got her citizenship because of the child, but it wasn't easy. You need a good lawyer.


Hi, Olesia,
I hope you, are Good:)
I know: a Good local Solicitor. I’ll Inbox you her Details.
she does,
Affidavits and many Other, things
Hopefully, she could help you, on your Complex issue.
Even, an immigration issue, She would endeavor to look into it, for you and She if She could, Help.
She Nice, got an Office etc.


I was in the same situation... you can have a work permit. there are good lawyers and adviser who can help you.


no citizenshipp application should only take around 1 year

Olesia Roopchand

Don't think I need help, and I guess u are lack of information

Olesia Roopchand

It should doesn't mean it is , it takes 2 years and more


My advise is to find a good lawyer. It is not easy to stay here after the divorce if you didn't get a citizenship yet. Maybe we should make a support group as this can really trouble people and it is not something easily talk avout in a public.

Olesia Roopchand

There is no good lawyer , I'm sure ab it


There are good lawyers. Message me privately and I can tell you about it and i struct you as i have some experience with the samething as well as finding good lawyers. It is not good to be just exclusive. In every country you have good and bad lawyers




@Silvan0 can you please ask your friend about her lawyer and what she did ? Im in the same situation, I have already applied for a citizenship but Things got really worse and I left my husband due to too much violence. I really need some advices as my son is only 3


@katechady hello Kate. Can you please send me her details too 🥺


@Olesia Roopchand  Definitely you will get citizenship on behalf of your son. 8yrs is a long time. If you would apply, you surely get it. As your son is still minor then you will get citizenship.

Hi lullidoux,
Where are you From?
Let me, See if I have her Details:)

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