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Pietro Pantalissi

I would like to sublet my apartment. I need to maintain my domiciliation but also the new tenant needs to be domiciliated there. The apartment is very small and the agreement is that I will use it one or two times per month. When the police will check the dociliacion of the new tenant, do I risk that they will remove mine?

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This is a tricky situation since local authorities (the police and municipality) can strictly apply the law concerning 'domicilie/domiciliation'... If you're not effectively living at the apartment you're registered at then you're committing  fraud.

The police would probably make this observation and send a report to city hall and the prosecutor's office... The fine for this type of 'fraud' can amount up to 4000 Euros according to the information found in this link. It is possible though to have an absence for at most 6 months at a municipality.

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