Work permit overlapping


I have to work for my current employer, for one month more, even i got new WP from new employer.

I asked in commune and my HRs but no clear answer.  If someone pass through the similar situation I would be very thankful for help.

My new WP starts from 1 March,
but I will ctually will start working  from April. The 1 march was based on contract i first had with new employer but we postponed starting date for April.  In comune thay already give me new annex 46.

My concern is if i can still working for my current employer until April.
Thas the switch is actually valid at time company register you as thair employee
Or I am alredy in violation.


No problem because you're in transition period

Thank you.
But how long is that transition.
When my old work permit will be cancelled?

As soon the new one will be available

That the point, it is done.
I dint know why thay did it in advance one month.
I tried to exolain that start in April.
Seems the old is valid until my employer unregister me?

You can't have 2 valid working permit at the same time.
The old one is automatically canceled when a receive the new one.

Thank you.
Thay told both version.
The old one will be canceled when i stop working for current employer. Otherwise thay give me new one 2 months before starting of my contract.  This will make me unemployed for no reason.
I will let you know what happened at the end
I start new a job in Aril and i will keep working for current employer till that time.

One having same problem.

I kept working for old employer like a month and  a half after i received a new permit.  I did not have any problem so far about that.

It trued out that  you can work for old employer as long as your work permit(one linked to old employer) is valid. Once you resin old employer will notify the authorities and your old permit will be canceled.  At least I have been told like that :)