
Monthly Fees Not Paid, Subject to work permit cancellation

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One of the company in Bahrain has recruited me and applied a work permit for me.
  Till the last day of September on LMRA, it was showing that "monthly visa fee has been paid" and "work permit is in progress" but from 1st of October it is showing on the "LMRA" that "Monthly visa fee has not been paid, Subject to work permit cancellation" but still Showing that " work permit is in progress".

Now, In how many days "LMRA" will really cancel work permit application if issue will not be resolved? How this issue can be resolved? What should I do? Should I keep waiting for a work permit? Or I should lose hope that visa will be approved??

See also

Job offers in BahrainStarting a business in BahrainWorking in BahrainWorking in ManamaDoing Business in the GCC. A Simple Guide to the Westerner.

I have answered this many times.  Even a day ago; look here: … =3#4952254


Thanks for your response


I've gone through your link that is really beneficial.

From 7th September -2020 on LMRA, it is showing that "Work permit is in progress" and Information is "Updated" but still work permit has  not been approved.

What is meant by information "Updated"? On work permit Status.

Is this clarification about security verification? Or the document submitted by my sponsor related to me?


Forget about information updated - it has nothing to do with security verification.  It just means that there is nothing pending in the submission.    Other then that, the permit is in progress.


Thanks for your response



Since it has been 30 days it is showing on LMRA that your " work permit is in progress". I am worried because the last time when I was in Bahrain my Company has given me a Saudi business visit visa and I was in Saudi Arabia.

Due to Some Issue Company has taken my Bahrani CPR and given an Air ticket from Dammam, Saudi Arabia to India.

When I check travel ban on it is showing that "There are no rulings or judicial orders issued against you that prevent you from traveling" and I am not on absent from the work list as per LMRA.

I am worried because it has 30 days since my Work Permit is live and I have not got approval. May you please Suggest, What could be the possible  Scenario?


It's taking a lot longer nowadays to process work permits.  You need to ask your employer about expected date for approval.


Okay Thanks


Before it was showing that "Work Permit is in progress" Now  On LMRA it is showing that "Error! The requested record does not exist in the system!"

What it mean?? Visa has been Rejected?


It could be that the application is cancelled or there is a system issue. As I said, you have to ask your employer for the exact reason.


Thank you very much for your quick response.


Discussed With Company management. They said they're working to solve this issue.

I think it is showing due to work visa application time frame because my visa process for a work permit was showing on LMRA from 7th September and today is 7th October and I checked visa status at 9:15 PM of Bahraini time and that was live then. Suddenly today morning before LMRA office timing it was showing that Error: Requested record does not found.

What do you think of it?? Now the Error: Requested record does not found is automatically showing due to application has exceeded 30 days of the timeline?


Dear Sahil,
as mentioned earlier by XTang the only one who can respond to this is your potential employer.



Yes exactly.  I think you are doing too much thinking without knowing any facts.   I already told you the two reasons which account for the majority of the cases in which such an error happens.   Forget about the message as it still fits in the above two reasons i.e. application has been cancelled.  This error only appears if the application remains pending with LMRA for a month (and is not forwarded to immigration) - this only happens when the employer hasn't fulfilled LMRA requirements for it to be forwarded.  I have seen applications pending for three months with immigration without any issue.

The only one who can tell you what is exactly happening with your application is your employer.  I wouldn't take unnecessary stress as there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.  And also, if you ask here on the forums and then go back to the employer to give them feedback, it is again going to make your employer upset and will be useless as I don't have access to your employer EMS system so I don't know exactly what is happening.   If you really want to know, get the employer EMS system screen shot of your application with all the messages from LMRA and I will tell you what the problem is.   If you can't do that, then just wait and follow up with your employer.


Yes. You're Right. I don't have any option rather than waiting.

I'm sorry if I'm bothering you guys. Sometimes when we go through the situation we just lose our common sense!

Since COVID- 19 has spread I'm living without work. I need to work as soon as possible.

Your replies just give hope and I come to know if still there is any possibility and hope for me.

Thanks & Regards,


Good luck. It will work out



Now, I am planning to take a visit visa for Bahrain that can be transferred into a work visa after coming to Bahrain.

Which Visit visa I need to choose and apply for? I need a visit visa that can be transferred to a work visa of Minimum Cost and under 30 days and minimum time of processing. (Please mention total cost of visa and processing time)

Please Suggest.


For the standard visa cost, you need to go to and see that.

However, you might not get an evisa (which is unsponsored) during Covid times.  You would need someone to sponsor a visit visa for you....whether your company or agent or someone else.   And the costs there can vary e.g. if 35 bd is standard cost for a 1 month visa, they may charge you a 100.   You have to speak to agents and find out.

Any visit visa can be converted to a work visa.


Dear, After applying for my Work permit Bahrani company failed to get a Work permit for me. they said that "All Applied visa application got rejected many times without any reason of rejection ".The company is assuming that it is due to the government want to use manpower available in Bahrain.  Now they said if I will allow them they will apply for a Business visit visa for Bahrain and after coming there they will again try for the work permit. They are not sure that they will get approval for my Work permit or not.

Meanwhile, I got a job at a company in Qatar. They will apply for my visa once a new work visa will open. They have given work Contracts, Joining letter, and work from home,1st week of my work is going on, so I have not got any penny of salary which can give me more security.

Countrywise  Bahrain is my 1st choice but job security is my 1st priority. Both Company is multinational and promising. salary is almost the same.

This is a very tough decision to make. Please advise.


You need to ask them the stage at which the application was rejected and the reason which appeared in the system.

If it was rejected at NPRA stage with the reason" Change the expat", I would simply forget Bahrain and go to Qatar as that is a security rejection.

They are giving you the wrong reason - the manpower thing is only adding a delay of two weeks in the process and is not leading to rejection.


Thanks for your kind response.

They are continuously giving the same reason. let me consider your point of view.  if it is rejected on the NPRA phase. what will happen if I will go there on a business visit visa. what will be the possibility of getting a work permit? I have been not marked absent from work or run away or there is no travel ban For me as per LMRA.

Will I get a rejection of a work permit in the future to if any other Employer will apply for my work permit? I am worried about the future!

Please advice


If its a security rejection, your chances are pretty much zero irrespective of how you approach it.


How can I know if there is sach remarks on my passport??


Told you. Rejection reason will say change Expat or apply for different Expat.


I don't know what EMS is responding. I can't get genuine feedback on it from Company.

As per company's statement many other new work visa with me have been rejected. So, it might be not situation.

I just want to know if I can check by my own on any government portals? As I have checked with my last issued CPR number on LMRA and NPRA site of Bahrain. I have no any legal restrictions. I'm eligible to travel Bahrain.


You can't check on your own.

kiran suresh

Hey, the same happens to me this morning ..I just wanted to know that the Visa willl be approved or rejected😕😕??


If you got that message, it means visa has been rejected.


I want to cancel my passport lmra agent will do it or need to go my sponsor


Passport is cancelled by your country's embassy.


Sorry .for visa cancel lmra can agent do or sponsor and what I need document to cancel visa from lmra


Sponsor can cancel the visa.


Hi sir I am in probation period and I give resignation one month already but he force me to work but I don't want I have new offer what I do. even I pay money for my visa expensive.if I stop work I go lobur court I am afraid if I stop work he put me runway or no. please give me advice


Read this:

MD Wasim Quraishi

My work permit has been expired, I told my sponsor not to apply for my visa. My sponsor has applied for my second visa without my permission, our visa is showing in progress. I have got a second job, can I cancel my visa.

Please give me tips brother..


At this point only your current employer can cancel the visa process

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