Entittlement of Ticket after 3 years of service

Hi everyone.Is there anyone who can help me to have an answer regarding this matter?I have been working with my company for 3 years now.According to the labor law the company has to give 2 way ticket after the completion of 2 years contract.What happenned was my company didnt allowed me to to go home on the date that I applied for my vacation because they said that month will be busy and asked me to move it after few months.The thing was covid happened and I was not able to go home and use the 2 way ticket.Now that my contact will finish in few days they decided not to renew my contract again after completion of 3 years.Am I entittle to get the money for the 2 way ticket of my vacation if I will be able to find new sponsor or applied for flexi visa.If yes,is there any article in the labor law on that matter?Thanks in advance.

First, you are entitled to get a one-way return ticket to your home country if you are leaving Bahrain.  This does not apply if you start working with another employer in Bahrain.

Secondly, you can try to get the money for the annual ticket that you did not use.  But for that you will need to file a claim at the Ministry of Labor.  Keep in mind that a lot of employers apply the "use it or lose it" policy in such cases and it will be difficult to convince them otherwise.