How to resign from existing job???
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I have been in my current company for past 8 months and recently got a job offer in a new company which I am willing to move to as my current employer is not treating me well. But since i am new in bahrain , i am not aware of legal issues of resigning the job and moving on with a new one. I would also like to remind you that in my current company there is no department called HR and I dont really know whom to give my resignation letter to formally.
Any guidance will be highly appreciated.
Your contract of employment will provide guidance on how you could resign from service. It may also specify what your obligations are towards your employer if you leave within the first year of employment. Your resignation could be addressed to the person who you usually report to at work.
Hello, Even I am new to this forum but as far as my internet knowledge on this topic goes, you can resign by dropping your resignation letter in nearest post office to the official address of your company. Kindly note that your present employer should officially transfer you to the new company after your resignation formalities and you cannot just escape to another company. Also you need to inform the concerned authorities (LMRA etc ) which issued your initial work visa. This is just info which i have collected on net. Good Luck!!
Seniors on this board please correct me if am wrong.
Thanks for the advice members. Mr Farhaz, my contract says one month notice and holding of one month salary for expenses. I would like to know more about mobility. I have my own doubts to get local transfer from my current employer even though the new employer is ready to call me back from my home country (which i obviously am willing to do as it will cost me) i am looking for local transfer. Any ideas on that one please?
Hello Zeer0cool and welcome to the forum,
Actually, there are different points to address :
* As far as your employer is concerned, you are perfectly allowed to resign. You will have to perform your duties during your notice period and your employer is allowed to deduct from your final settlement whatever is mentioned in your contract. As Hegde13viju said, you can send your resignation from the post office, but it has to be a registered letter.
If you prefer to give the letter in hand to your employer, ask him to sign a copy of it with the mention "Received on XXth January 2014". You must be able to prove you effectively resigned and when !
* As far as LMRA is concerned, to apply for mobility before 1 year of employment with your company, you will need a NOC (Non Opposition Certificate) letter from them.
Nothing forces them to give it to you. If they refuse, you will have one month to leave the country after your last day of work. Then as soon as the your visa is cancelled, you can go yourself to LMRA with your offer letter. LMRA will allow mobility from their end and your new employer can apply for a new visa.
Just for you to know, I had several cases of employers declaring a resigning staff as "runaway" in LMRA system out of anger. If so, you will need to prove that you resigned and followed the legal procedure to do so, hence the registered letter ^^
Hope this clarifies a little...
Good luck for your changes
Hello. Terms of your contract will govern your resignation. Make sure you send your resignation by registered post to your company.
All information about the mobility process is on this link: … tZUnJXxuM8
Please take a look and let us know if you have any more questions.
Sorry ... just saw Olivier's post. After posting my response.
I think the advise above is good enough. However knowing the inefficiency of the Bahraini post office and its network, I strongly advise you to "hand over" your resignation and give them at least one month notice. Make sure they cancel your visa though, your new company may not be able to employ you if your existing visa is not cancelled.
Sending the resignation letter by registered post is a requirement if "Mobility" route is to be used. I faced this problem when I changed jobs recently.
Send by registered post and hand over a copy. That should cover postal inefficiencies.
I am currently working with a compamy in Bahrain for last 7 months. Now I got an offer from another GCC country and I would like to join them. I was not signed any contract with this employer except offer letter which they sent to me via email when I was in my home country. In the offer letter there is nothing was written about terms and conditions for resignation. Still I am ready to pay a reasonable amount as a penalty if they demanded. My worries are, whether they will make any legal issues if I file resignation? Kindly please reply asap.
arunvadakepatt wrote:Hi...
I am currently working with a compamy in Bahrain for last 7 months. Now I got an offer from another GCC country and I would like to join them. I was not signed any contract with this employer except offer letter which they sent to me via email when I was in my home country. In the offer letter there is nothing was written about terms and conditions for resignation. Still I am ready to pay a reasonable amount as a penalty if they demanded. My worries are, whether they will make any legal issues if I file resignation? Kindly please reply asap.
If you have not signed a formal contract of employment, then the provisions of the Labour Law should apply. But the Labour Law is not clear about this matter.
This is what "The Labour Law For The Private Sector" says:
Article (19):
A contract of employment shall be in writing, in Arabic, recorded in duplicate, one copy of which shall be retained by each of the parties thereto. If a contract is drawn up in a language other than Arabic, it shall be accompanied by an Arabic version thereof. If a contract refers to an internal regulation, it shall be attached to the contract of employment and shall be signed by both parties to the contract to be admitted in evidence. In the absence of a written contract, the worker alone may establish all his rights by all methods of evidence.
If you wish to resign, discuss this with your current employer and then give due notice and agree to pay your dues per the Labour Law. Hope all goes well.
Thanks for your reply. But, can they make any issues in immigration like blocking me from going for vacation etc. (I have not involved any issues)
Is there any people working @ Ahmed Mohammed Jassim Group, in Furniture Manufacturing Division?
They should not make any issue and block you leaving the country. In fact, I am not even sure if they can to be honest. Just go and speak to your employer, give at least a month's notice, explain your reasons to leave their company. They should be OK.
Hi, I already finished my contract november 20 2014. 3 months before I already send my resignation letter. My visa had already expired nov. 18 2014. I already stop from my work nov. 20, 2014. Now my problem is my visa hasnt cancelled yet, i was waiting now for more than 1 week for my book tickets. Because i want for good. Now people from office telling me to wait because they are hardly getting for my ticket bookings, no one could give me proper answer wen is my flight. Some can help me what will i do. I dont have copy of my contract to go to lmra. Pls people give me advice. I was pending for long time here in bahrain. Thank you
dear ericsonfoz,
very sorry to hear about your situation, but it dont think anyone else could help other than LMRA or your employer, not having a copy of your contract is a big mistake since that could have helped you in many ways. Worst case may be you could contact your embassy regarding the same.
hoping everything will be fine, good luck and god bless!
hi sir i am vijeesh i join in company may 15 2015 as asupervisor my salary is baisic 300*100 and i no intrest in this company becouse the company in elevator division . i want to more learn in this feild but here us no chance of bcs no more work here wht i do for my visa cancellation procedure
dear vijeesh123,
sorry to hear about your unfortunate situation, you need to speak to your employer, if you want to go back you need to do it the legal way else you may not be able to come back in the future (if you want to). It depends on how many years of contract you signed for if you have not finished the contract the employer may ask you to pay for the visa and other charges, this is the legal way of leaving a job. If you decide to go back on your own without informing the employer then you may be blacklisted (runaway) and your future return may not be possible.
do not make a decision in a hurry, take your time!
good luck & god bless
i am working in a company almost 22 family also here my children are studying in different i got a good offer in other company butt my current employer is not ready to release me,and telling me so many articles and laws,in the mean while i don't want to spoil our long relation which built in last 22 new employer also ready to call me from my home land butt i am worried about my children study as they are in high class.please guide me which is the best way without spoiling relation with my current employer i can join new company.
kindly refer to this link
it is very unfortunate that your employer is not respecting the long term commitment you have given to them, and i don't think there is way out of it unless your current employer gives you a release. If you can speak to someone and request them it would be good else you may have to send them your resignation and wait for the notice period to finish (it will be on your offer letter) and even after that they are not willing then follow the steps in the below mentioned link
I am sure if anyone else on the forum has a better idea, they would reply back
good luck!
Dearest in bahrain,
I am working in a shakh Company I have 5 months salary pending, how can I get my salary by legal way, please help me.
Please Contact LMRA immediately
+973 17388888 : Call Center
Jawaher Bldg 603, Road 1011, Block 410 Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain
Postal Address
P.O Box: 18333 Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain
I completed 8 months in my present job and got an offer in other company with good package. so I would like to know if I will give resignation what will effect. is it possible after cancel my visa to stay in the country or need to go back to home country. any new law implemented for this.
please help me to take a decision.
if your current employer is ready to release you, kindly go through the below mentioned link
Usually if you dont complete your mentioned term of your contract your employer can sue you for damages
hi thanks logicalindian.
but I would like to know, If will resign and my employer will cancel the visa, is possible to change with in one month to new employer.
as per the LMRA we can do it ,right. please suggest.
It is possible, please read the link again. Really cannot comment on the time frame.. it can happen within a month or it can take more.
Hi to everyone...
Please i really need an advice about my situation.i finish my one year here in my company and i decided to pass my resignation in post office.the problem is, it okay if i am not the one will drop my resignation in post i ask my friend to drop it for me because only friday is my free time.Is there any papers that i need to fill up?
2.Although i finish my one year my boss want me to pay him 700 dinar for my release even he told me before that he is willing to release us.Is it right?But somebody told me no need to pay that much.
3.Is it okay if i pass my resignation but i am still searching a new job or i dont have a new sponsor is it okay i stay outside while searching a new job?
4.If i already recieve my pink card or mobility is it okay that i will leave my accomodation?thank you in advance for your help....
Hi, it okay if i am not the one will drop my resignation in post i ask my friend to drop it for me because only friday is my free time.Is there any papers that i need to fill up?
This is the rule from LMRA, i guess anyone can go and post it no problem with that, just keep the receipt of the post.
2.Although i finish my one year my boss want me to pay him 700 dinar for my release even he told me before that he is willing to release us.Is it right?But somebody told me no need to pay that much.
If you have not completed the years of work as mentioned on the contract, the employer has the right to sue you for the charges, i am not sure about how much depends on several factors.
3.Is it okay if i pass my resignation but i am still searching a new job or i dont have a new sponsor is it okay i stay outside while searching a new job?
It is ok to search for a new job, but be warned that if your current employer does not give you a NO OBJECTION certificate (which is required for mobility) then you cannot move to another company. If you do not get a no objection certificate from your current employer, then you have have to go back to your home country after your visa is cancelled and then come back with on a new visa.
4.If i already recieve my pink card or mobility is it okay that i will leave my accomodation?thank you in advance for your help....
If it is company provided accommodation i am sure your employer will ask you to leave it immediately once your visa is cancelled or he had give you a no objection certificate for mobility.
good luck & god bless.
I have some questions.
I was just so worried because my mobility will expire on oct. 23..but i have new employer as of now and they are about to process my visa. If the visa processing will take time and its not yet finished at the end of my mobility period, do i need to exit the country?
Hoping for help here.
Thank you..
The responsibility will be on your new employer to get the things sorted out, should not be an issue. Once the visa is in process you should not have any issues.
Thank you sir.
My visa expired last 23 of september..and i got 1 month mobility that will expire on oct 23..All the needed papers for transfer were given to me by my previous employer. But the thing was, it pass thru some approval from nhra cause im a it really takes time.
Bt they told me hopefully this week they will able to get the approval paper from nhra so they could start the processing of my visa...they told me i should not be worry if in the lmra system the status is on process under there company name..but i want to be sure..i dont want to exit from the country.
Thats why i am concern if there's a need for me to exit if the visa is still not finished at the end of my mobility period....
@logicalindian Hi there! just a quick question. If one has a Housemaid visa, can she use it to apply for a corporate job?
Lets just say the person having that Housemaid visa only used that visa to enter Bahrain legally but she actually is a professional in her home country, has a degree, 3 years experience in the corporate world, and lastly, the person who sponsored her of that Housemaid Visa is willing to let go of her should she find a corporate job so the visa can be changed from Housemaid to Work Visa.
I hope you can help. Looking forward to hear from you!
I doubt that would be possible, as per LMRA only visit visa/business visit visa can be changed to a work permit/resident permit. I would suggest you speak with LMRA help desk on 17388888 /17506055 who would be able to give you the right info.
good luck
Sir im working 5 months now and had a problem in the salary(almost 2 1/2 months no salary), now i found new emoloyer and give me agood offer i can be transfer or not please please please tell
Me what i will do what i meed to do, because my friend told me i need to wait for 1 year, so one year i will not eat???
kindly go through the below link
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