Passport renewal appointments were cancelled at embassy! HELP!

Hi everyone, my kids' US passports expire this month, and our appointments which was set for early April  were cancelled due to COVID-19.  We are up to renew our residence visas next month.  Are there any ways to renew passports by mail or virtual interview/appointment?



DividendGypsies wrote:

Hi everyone, my kids' US passports expire this month, and our appointments which was set for early April  were cancelled due to COVID-19.  We are up to renew our residence visas next month.  Are there any ways to renew passports by mail or virtual interview/appointment?


I would pose that question to the U. S embassy. I would think that you. as a U.S. citizen should be able to email them.  In the recent past, the office I contacted was in Merida and we communicated by email. If there is some emergency extension they would know about it. You could also contact the U.S.  given that the paperwork would have to go through them
I wish I could be of more help but these are unusual times. Everything is requiring creative workarounds. Today I went to the market with my friend, only one person per family was allowed in so he stayed out and I texted him about what he wanted to buy, It was strange and awkward but it worked.

Mexico is slowly coming out of the forced confinement. According to their map, my area should be out next month.  If I were you, I would try to contact immigration directly about your residency, The office here is open using limited hours and reduced staff. Previously it was pretty much closed.