Crohn's disease treatment in Poland

Dear all,

at first I want to wish you a happy new year!

I would like ask you guys about the treatment of Crohn's disease in Poland. The thing is that I might be able to relocate to Poland again within the company I work at right now or look for a job over there in another company this spring. I am an EU citizen based in Scandinavia.

Here are the questions:

1) How is Crohn's disease treated in Poland?
2) How much does it cost on average (say on a monthly basis) to take care of it? I have been in remission for a number of years and mine is not the most aggressive type of it. So the costs should include appointments (roughly 4 times a year) with the doctor, regular blood tests (roughly 4 times a year) and medicine (azathioprine & mesalazine)
3) Is it taken care of in the public sector or in the private? In the case of the private one, the costs interest me.
4) Are there any fixed rate private healthcare options, say, pay 400 PLN a month and get all the appointments, blood tests and doctor visits to be covered?
5) In case I will be working within a company that has a private healthcare in the relocation package, can it be used for this purpose?

I am very grateful for all the pieces of information. I cannot thank you enough!

Best regards,



I am American and I used to work in a large American hospital.    I've received treatment here in Poland for a check up, for an infection and once when I felt really ill.  This was over a period of  2 years.   Accessing treatment was a bit more time consuming  but  ultimately the care was as effective as I'd have gotten back in the states.

Making an appointment and getting an English speaking provider of care - yes that can be a bit of a hassle, especially in small towns.   Waiting times for non emergencies (on the free, national plan) are LONG.  Getting a referral to a specialist only seems needed if you go thru their national plan.  In fact, I was able to go directly to a specialist on my own.

If you know in advance you'll need tests or check ups, make the appointments now, well in advance so you can get them for free (assuming your company puts you on Poland's health care system).  Otherwise you'll pay a modest fee to see a doctor in a short time.
To avoid a long waiting period when I felt pretty sick, I paid out of pocket to see the doctor privately but it was well worth it to me (about $37).  The two "urgent" but not emergent appointments I needed were given within 48 hours.

Prescriptions are not printed with your name, nor with dosages written out and the boxes are in Polish. So you need to keep the doctor's notes (or ask for them to write one). 

I found all 3 doctors  ( different physicians, over a year apart)  on par with physicians in most western countries, but with strong Polish accents.   

Perhaps the doctors who speak English well are better than the average doctor here, but obviously I can't speak to that.  I can only say they were each likable, knowledgeable and they took their time with me. I did not feel rushed.   

I concede that If I had a very rare (OR not yet diagnosed) disease or suffered from an unlikely condition, I suspect that expensive tests would not be rushed into here. So  perhaps a diagnosis would take longer.

But Crohn's disease is not that rare,  and you've already been diagnosed. 

If I were you,  I would bring your records and prescription history, and I'd feel secure in obtaining good treatment.  But stay involved and ask questions. Ultimately, we are responsible for the health care we get no matter where we get it.

Good luck!