
Did not return to Saudi on Exit Re-entry VISA & holding IQUAMA also

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Hi All,

I was working in Saudi Arabia with IQUAMA . I was also having an MER [Multiple Exit Re-entry VISA]

Due to medical emergency of my family, I returned to india on 01-April-2015. I was not able to flyback to Saudi arabia , and was unable to do Proper FINAL EXIT.

Since in my case I was also holding an IQUAMA and an Multiple Exit Re-entry VISA, kindly let me know for how many years I am banned ?

See also

Iqama visa in Saudi ArabiaVisas in Saudi ArabiaQVP processing timePolice Cert Attestation (KSA work visa)KSA Business Visa Cancellation Process

3 year bann for you is over now.
You are safe


Thank you for your reply. But I was holding an IQUAMA along with the 177 days Multiple Exit Re-entry VISA , when I left Saudi Arabia on 01-Apr-2015.

So am I eligible for travel now ?




3 yeas after the end of your 177 days exit re-entry visa.


Forget about the years you are ban, it doesn't matter at all. Think about the iqama which you didn't surrender to your company before you leave. That's prohibited in the law of Saudi Arabia.

Better for you to coordinate with your company and explain to them they know better, otherwise it will give you a lot of problenms. Consider that your biometrics and photos has been recorded in the system.

Better for you to shift to another country if you cannot resolve the issue.

Just a piece of advice; never take you iqama with you in going out of the kingdom, there are a lot of uncertainties involved.

Good Luck!


HI brother,

I sent my IQUAMA via courier to Saudi Arabia employer and IQUAMA has been cancelled .

Kindlt let mw knkw In this case what is your suggestion ?

Venkatesh Subramaniam


Yes Bro,
Did your employer has given you a feed back when they received your IQAMA? If not then send them a message or call them, If just in case they accepted your reasons for not returning back, then maybe there is a chance that they wil rehire you.
On the other hand, returning back to Saud Arabia with a new employer, maybe it is possible to elope such three years ban, by renewing your passport. You will use the new passport with different number, date of issue and date of expiry. This might be possible if your employer really cancelled your IQAMA.  Better discussed it with your employer because they know better and may give you a good advice.

venkateshsubramaniam87 wrote:

HI brother,

I sent my IQUAMA via courier to Saudi Arabia employer and IQUAMA has been cancelled .

Kindlt let mw knkw In this case what is your suggestion ?

Venkatesh Subramaniam


Renewing passport or getting a new one is not an option to be able to enter Saudi Arabia if you didn't return on previous exit re-entry visa or it is lapsed. That's clearly understood that it's an automatic 3year ban unless you wish to return to same sponsor, you can at any time with a NOC attached during Visa Stamping.

Don't even try to enter on a new pp as you may be deported back from airport. Point to note that you may get clearance to stamp visa from embassy but may not be able to clear immigration as you are arriving on a"Work Visa".
However people are confused a lot and the matter of fact is that you can still come on a business Visa with the same passport.
Ideally Business Visa demonstrates you are working for a company outside of Saudi Arabia and your company tend to do business with Saudi firm and that's how you process documents from both companies to obtain visa. It's not just Saudi firm involved but it's the other company outside of Saudi that is your actual employer in this case.

Still people are so confused as they don't understand it's not work visa but business Visa"Zyarah Tijaryah" or commercial visit and every visa will have a new border no. upon entry.

Hope this clarifies.


The best is to discuss with your employer, rather than transforming your visa to a business visa, it's more complicated than you think it was. Not unless your position in a company is really important and that your presence in the job is extremely necessary. Better yet go to another country..


Hello ms.Lydia
The 3 yrs ban is as per gregorian calender or Hijri islamic calender?


The 3yrs ban is as per Hijri islamic calender or Gregorian english calender sir?




Hey guys, I came from KSA on exit re entry on 3rd August 2016, now I wanna go back to Saudi Arabia. Will I be able to go?
Is there any way I can know if company has marked me huroob after my departure from Saudi Arabia?


I came on exit re entey in 2017 August. Unfortunately i didnt return back to KSA. Please advice me that can i enter ksa again with a new work visa along with my previous company service letter?

Please advice.....


My wife left KSA in Dec 2019 but the re-entry exit visa expired in January 2020 as she could not travel due to change of plan. Since then she is out of KSA and now the flights have resumed so I am planning for her to come back next month. How I can renew the re-entry / Exit visa which expired in Jan 2020?

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