Can someone who's been blacklisted enter Saudi on a tourist visa?

So how would this work out?

If someone (who is from one of the 49 countries in the visa scheme) had been in Saudi on a work visa, overstayed it, and consequently blacklisted upon departure...would they now be able to entry Saudi Arabia on a tourist visa?

Most probably not.   You will know very quickly when you apply for a tourist visa - they will reject it if that is the case.

Thanks Xtang! But how would they know if the passport number were different?

You wouldn't happen to know where a source of this might be, would you?

If they don't know due to different passport number, the name match might do it. And if that doesn't, the Biometric on entry definitely will.

Hi same situation how to know if your blocklisted and you have already visit visa entry.. is ther any way to know before traveling. to avoid any issue