Family reunion with my sick mother

Hi. I'm an adult living outside Germany. I'm 33.

My mother is living alone in Germany. She's old and living with chronic disease. She needs to go to the hospital from times to times.

Do you know please if Germany allows me to immigrate to Germany, temporarily or permanently, via a tourism Visa, or a family reunion procedure? my motive is to take care of my mother because she's living alone there.

Do you have any advise please?
Thank you.

One can always apply for a tourist visa but then it will of course be limited to at most 3 months. I am providing a link to the English version of the German Immigration Authority website page about family reunion visas. From this site I find the following:

“Generally speaking, there are six central conditions for family reunification with third-country nationals: The sponsor must possess a residence title, must be able to provide sufficient living space, healthcare insurance and sufficient means of subsistence for him- or herself and the family members. In addition, certain groups of immigrants will need to provide proof of their German language skills before they are issued with a visa and/or successfully attend language and orientation courses in the framework of the integration course after their arrival in Germany.”

The upshot is that the person in Germany bring a family member is usually expected to be able to supply support for the person coming, not the other way around. And then there are the longer term considerations of will you be sent back say your mother dies , or if you would stay on then what are the legal possibilities to work, and what about your German language skills. Yet exceptions to such rules might be possible for humanitarian reasons. One cannot make a judgment since it is always an individual decision that would depend on many factors including details of your mother's condition and both of your financial situations. And I assume the length of time and conditions that your mother ended up in Germany might matter a lot. Say she married a German and lived there for 30 years then they might make a different decision than if she has just been there a couple of years or less. Then they might question why she doesn't simply go to you instead of the other way around? … hland.html

You have a chance for a family reunion visa if your mother is dependent on your care (and the family's living expenses are secured).
This is evaluated in Germany by the so-called "Pflegestufe", which ranges from 0 to 3. Ask your mother which Pflegestufe she has! To get a visa, she should be 2 or preferably 3.

Thank you very much, Sirs.