Can company file complaint to MoM to get me blacklisted?

Hi everyone,

I have signed offer letter with A company and they have started EP application for me. Two weeks later, the application was approved and I have received a IPA letter. (I have yet to perform body checkup and EP card is not issued yet). I have not started working with them yet too.

But then few days later, I received another offer from B company and this is actually my preferred choice considering the company background, job opportunity and remuneration. Then, I called A company and spoke nicely to try to reject the offer and trying to get them withdrawing the EP application. But the A company was actually angry and they claimed that they will file complaint to MoM.

So, I would like to ask that will the success rate of second EP application submitted by B company be affected?

Will I get blacklisted by MoM based on complaint from A company?

Can A company actually file official complaint to MoM to try to get me blacklisted?

Does A company has to withdraw the EP application first before B company can start another?

What if the A company does not want to withdraw and what can the B company and me do?

Appreciate if everyone has ever encountered this or has answer to my question?

Clarification - this discussion is in the Malaysian forum therefore the response below assumes Company A and B are in Malaysia

Yes you could get blacklisted and more importantly company A can block Company B from applying for an EP by not cancelling their database approval. Check also your offer letter to see if you have to repay Company A their expenses regarding completed application. You may not be working in Malaysia after all